Hello Everyone,      I led a Cornell Cooperative/Suffolk Parks Bird Walk at
Cupsogue this morning of marsh and mudflats. The tidal pond furthest west of
the big flat was quite  active with a Yellow Crowned , 3 Black Crowned Night
Herons, both Yellowlegs, SB Dowitchers, Eastern Willets, Glossy Ibis,
Common, Forsters and 4 Black Terns feeding.We dipped on Clapper Rails. Dick
Belanger had 2 at this pond early yesterday. Nearby on a sandbar in the
tidal channel stood 4 Marbled Godwits. Three were busy preening , lifting
off and circling back round, a fourth had lain down. The twelve of us
eventually crossed to the main flat and found the other 2 Marbled's and a
Whimbrel ,[spotted by Billy Hanley], at the far bay edge. The 30 Red Knots
we have seen here regularly were also present. Good August Birding,
Carl Starace  p.s. for Curlew lovers out there may I suggest going to the
youtube website and trying ,"curlew capers" some great footage and song of
the Long billed's.


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