On Sunday morning (9/4) between ~  0745 & 0915, Tom Moran and I visited the 
above locations. Trying the south-most farm first (Head of the Neck Rd o/o 
Eastport Manor Rd.) we found a far off flock of (11) large plovers, as well as 
(3) Kildeer. Taking to the car, we viewed this group from a number of spots 
around the periphery, without being able to ID the individuals. A juvenile 
Coopers Hawk then scattered the birds. Prior to this action, all the plovers 
had been on the turf- after this excitement, the remaining (2) plovers were 
found to have moved on to the dirt part of the field. A short while afterward, 
they took flight, and proved to be A.Golden Plovers.
We then drove to the northmost sod farm, on the e/s of Route 51, where we 
observed (15) large plovers, (2) Kildeers...and (1) huge model airplane! After 
jockeying the car a few times around this field, the identity of the plovers 
became apparent when the plane's engine fired, and powered the 5' X 4' aircraft 
upwards. Both the Black-bellied Plovers and Kildeers left the field, flying out 
of sight to the west. The "Gashawk" finally made a flawless landing, but not 
before doing some great stunts: vertical climbs to about 200', where it seemed 
to stall out, start  hurdling toward the ground, only to have the engine come 
alive, and the plane start upward again. It did single and double rolls to the 
left as it gained altitude, and the same to the right. It did rolls as it flew 
right side up, and as it flew upside down. It did other maneuvers that were 
equally as exciting...it was a hell of an air-show!
We also checked out the Riverhead Sod Farms around Route 105, Northville Tpke., 
and Doctors Path, without success.
Cheers, Bob                                       

NYSbirds-L List Info:

1) http://www.mail-archive.com/nysbirds-l@cornell.edu/maillist.html
2) http://www.surfbirds.com/birdingmail/Group/NYSBirds-L
3) http://birdingonthe.net/mailinglists/NYSB.html

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