I got a good start on my 2010 year list today.  At Belmont Lake State Park,
there were seven Greater White-fronted Geese.  Six of the birds were closely
associating; the other one appeared to be going solo.  All had orange bills
characteristic of the Greenland race.  There was also a "Richardson's"
Cackling Goose on the Lake.  Most of the geese on the lake had departed by
8:00 a.m. when I departed too, though the white-fronted geese remained.


The Massapequa Preserve was next, where two Tundra Swans continue on the
pond at Pittsburg Av.  This pond can also be accessed on the east side of
the preserve at Van Buren St. Massapequa Lake, on the north side of Merrick
Rd. (route 27A), was mostly frozen.  But there were a lot of gulls and some
waterfowl there, including a female Common Merganser.


At Pt. Lookout there are now six Harlequin Ducks, including four drakes, an
immature male, and a female.  The numbers of Brant are astounding, and
should give the counters some real pleasure tomorrow.  There were also very
large numbers of Long-tailed Ducks, somewhere around 450-500.


Finally, there was an adult "Kumlien's" Iceland Gull in the Jones Beach West
End 2 parking lot (first spotted by Bobby Rossetti).


Seth Ausubel

Forest Hills, NY


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