3/30/13 Hamilton, Franklin, Essex, Clinton Counties


Two Barred Owls are hooting back and forth outside our Long Lake house
tonight as I write this post!  It looks like we'll have nesting Barred Owls
in our yard again this year.


While returning to Long Lake after an all day birding tour, a Great Gray Owl
was observed in southern Franklin County.  A birder from NJ spotted the bird
as I was driving 60 miles per hour!  (I've birded with her before and she
has "raptor eyes"!)  She said, "Stop the car, I think I just saw a Great
Gray Owl"!  I 180-ed with the car, and looked into the beautiful face of a
Great Gray Owl!  We continued to watch the bird perch and actively hunt.
Larry Master made it to our location from Lake Placid in record time!  He
took some wonderful photos which he plans to post.  I didn't keep track of
the time, but I suspect we observed the bird for about an hour and a half.


The NJ birder stopped at our home yesterday at dawn to observe our Common
and Hoary Redpoll feeder birds and then we spent the whole day birding
today.  Here are some of the 40 species found:


Snow Goose - hundreds migrating north

Ring-necked Ducks - filling in on open water


Hooded Merganser

Ruffed Grouse

Turkey Vulture

Cooper's Hawk - Bloomingdale

American Kestrel

Peregrine Falcon - Plattsburgh

Barred Owl - Sabattis Bog

Great Gray Owl - southern Franklin Co.

Black-backed Woodpecker - at least 5 (probably 7 since we heard two more
drumming that would have been a long bushwhack); two pairs and a solo bird
in the Bloomingdale area.  We spent a lot of time watching one pair
communicating back and forth through tapping.

Pileated Woodpecker - 2 today (1 yesterday at my home)

Boreal Chickadee - 6 (groups of 1, 3, and 2 in Bloomingdale)

Brown Creeper - singing

Golden-crowned Kinglet

American Robin - Bloomingdale area

Pine Grosbeak - 2 in Plattsburgh feeding on crab apples along Montcalm Rd.
near the intersection with Ash Road.


3/29/13 Long Lake, Hamilton Co.


Sharp-shinned Hawk - preying on the redpolls at our feeders

Northern Saw-whet Owl - 1 vocalizing outside our home (dinner time)

Hoary Redpoll - 3 (1 male and 2 females); For the first time ever, I had two
female Hoary Redpolls in one scope view sitting near each other!


3/28/13 Long Lake, Hamilton Co., and Plattsburgh and Chazy in Clinton Co.


A Barred Owl was vocalizing outside our home at dawn.


I found two flocks of Bohemian Waxwings: ~60 at Lake Alice Wildlife
Management Area and 5 outside Hawkins Hall at SUNY Plattsburgh.  The
Bohemian Waxwings at Lake Alice were fly-catching at the wetland near the
intersection of Ridge and Macadam Roads (it was over 50 degrees at the
time).  A Peregrine Falcon tried to catch a Rock Pigeon as I watched the
Bohemian Waxwings at Hawkins Hall - the same location where a Peregrine was
observed today.


3/26/13 St. Lawrence County


Waterfowl (Snow & Canada Geese, Amer. Black Duck, Mallard, Bufflehead,
Common Goldeneye, Hooded, Common, and Red-breasted Mergansers), 2 Bald
Eagles, and 2 Pine Grosbeaks outside Pizza Hut in Massena!


3/25/13 Long Lake, Hamilton Co.


Black-backed Woodpecker at Sabattis Bog


3/24/13 Long Lake, Hamilton Co.


Barred Owl - 2 hooting back and forth at Sabattis Bog (late afternoon)

Black-backed Woodpecker - 1 at the boreal forest by the Round Lake outlet
into Little Tupper Lake


We still have ~2 feet of snow on the ground in Long Lake (lots of lake
effect snow).  There is very little snow in Saranac Lake and Lake Placid,
and no snow in Plattsburgh.  The temperature difference between Plattsburgh
and Long Lake has been about 10 to 15 degrees.  It doesn't feel like spring
in Long Lake yet.


Joan Collins

Long Lake, NY



NYSbirds-L List Info:

1) http://www.mail-archive.com/nysbirds-l@cornell.edu/maillist.html
2) http://www.surfbirds.com/birdingmail/Group/NYSBirds-L
3) http://birdingonthe.net/mailinglists/NYSB.html

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