[nysbirds-l] Hempstead Lake State Park

2018-04-19 Thread Peter Reisfeld
Arriving at Hempstead Lake in late morning seemed to have been the right time, as there was a moderate break from the rain. It was surprisingly birdy around Schodack pond with lots of yellow rumps, good numbers of palm and pine warblers, rublets, gnatcatchers and both waterthrushes, which at o

[nysbirds-l] Hempstead Lake state park Nassau county Cape May, Bay-breasted, Blackburnian warblers

2017-05-16 Thread David Klauber
In just over an hour at Hempstead Lake State park, by the northern end north of the picnic area, there was a nice variety of warblers, including Cape May, Bay-breasted (2 found by Pat Palladino), Blackburnian, Nashville(2), BT Green, Blackpoll, Black&White & Parula. Seen by others in the park we

[nysbirds-l] Hempstead Lake State Park

2016-08-09 Thread Long Island Birding
I birded HLSP briefly today. I had at least 5 Northern Waterthrushes (could not locate any Louisiana), 2 solitary sandpipers, and at least 2 spotted sandpipers. Also saw a few American Redstarts. The mosquitoes were really bad! Mike Z. -- NYSbirds-L List Info: http://www.NortheastBirding.com/

[nysbirds-l] Hempstead Lake State Park

2015-05-04 Thread Jonathan
Nice variety of warblers so far this morning at Hempstead: Prairie, Magnolia, Black Throated Green, two Northern Waterthrushes the usual suspects, and still counting. Looks like some nice birding here this morning Jonathan Green Sent from my iPhone -- NYSbirds-L List Info: http://www.Northeast

[nysbirds-l] Hempstead Lake State Park

2014-04-10 Thread Robert A. Proniewych
Late afternoon (2:00pm) walk at Hempstead Lake State Park today produced a first of season Blue gray gnatcatcher for me near the South pond. Above the South Pond was a swirling flock of Tree Swallows, as well as 6 Barn Swallows and 2 Northern Roughed-winged Swallows. Bob Proniewych -- NYSbirds-

[nysbirds-l] Hempstead Lake State Park

2014-04-06 Thread JGIUNTA746
Date: April 6, 2014 A very nice day to be out birding. At Hempstead I had: 3 warblers (Louisiana, Pine, Yellow-rumped) 4 Woodpeckers (Yel. Bellied Sapsucker. Downy, Hairy, Red-bellied) 2 Swallows ( Tree, Cliff) plus Hermit Thrush, many Br. Creepers, Golden-crowned Kinglets, Phoebes, Ospreys,

[nysbirds-l] Hempstead Lake State Park Birds (Nassau Co.)

2013-04-10 Thread Ken Feustel
We spent a few hours birding at Hempstead Lake State Park this morning. Highlights of the trip included our first of season Ruby- crowned Kinglet and Black & White Warbler. Present in good numbers were Yellow-rumped Warblers (41), Palm Warblers (20), and Golden- crowned Kinglets (18).In contr

[nysbirds-l] Hempstead Lake State Park Birds (Nassau Co.)

2013-04-08 Thread ken feustel
Warm weather and southerly winds finally arrived and with it a nice collection of early spring migrants. Pine and Palm Warblers were in attendance, along with good numbers of Golden-crowned Kinglets. The previous swallow influx over the South Pond seems to have disappeared, with a small number

[nysbirds-l] Hempstead Lake State Park

2013-03-21 Thread Steven Schellenger
During the SSAS thursday morning bird survey at Hempstead Lake State Park, by McDonald pond we had a fly over Osprey, 5 Tree Swallows and 1 bright Pine Warbler. Steve Schellenger -- NYSbirds-L List Info: http://www.NortheastBirding.com/NYSbirdsWELCOME http://www.NortheastBirding.com/NYSbirdsRULES

[nysbirds-l] Hempstead Lake State Park Birds (Nassau Co.)

2013-03-17 Thread ken feustel
Despite the chilly weather, there was a nice assortment of early spring migrants and winter resident species at Hempstead Lake State Park (HLSP) this morning. Upon arriving at the HLSP parking lot, I heard a Common Raven calling, and discovered a pair in the roadway east of the parking lot sampl

[nysbirds-l] Hempstead Lake State Park Birds (Nassau Co.)

2012-05-28 Thread ken feustel
We stopped by HLSP this morning in hopes of seeing a Mourning Warbler (there had been one reported at HLSP on Saturday from the South Pond area) with no luck. However, we did observe a calling Acadian Flycatcher along the stream opposite the restrooms. Eastern Wood Pewees were present in fair nu

[nysbirds-l] Hempstead Lake State Park Birds (Nassau Co.)

2012-05-11 Thread ken feustel
We spent four hours birding Hempstead Lake State Park this morning, finding nineteen species of warblers. Our best find was a Bay-breasted Warbler and a late Yellow-throated Vireo. We were unable to relocate the Prothonotary Warbler found Thursday morning at the stream outlet to the South Pond.

RE: [nysbirds-l] Hempstead Lake State Park; West End/JBSP; Connetquot River State Park Birds (Nassau/Suffolk Counties)

2011-04-24 Thread Shaibal Mitra
, April 24, 2011 6:40 PM To: NYSBIRDS-L@cornell.edu Subject: [nysbirds-l] Hempstead Lake State Park; West End/JBSP; Connetquot River State Park Birds (Nassau/Suffolk Counties) I drove to Hempstead Lake State Park (HLSP) this morning by way of the barrier beach, which was fogged in with very few birds

[nysbirds-l] Hempstead Lake State Park; West End/JBSP; Connetquot River State Park Birds (Nassau/Suffolk Counties)

2011-04-24 Thread ken feustel
I drove to Hempstead Lake State Park (HLSP) this morning by way of the barrier beach, which was fogged in with very few birds to boot. At HLSP there were Yellow-rumped, Black & White, Parula, Black-throated Green, Palm, Prairie, and Yellow Warblers. Sparrows included Swamp, Chipping and the regu

[nysbirds-l] Hempstead Lake State Park & Oceanside MNSA Birds (Nassau Co.)

2011-04-15 Thread ken feustel
It was a disappointing morning of birding at most locales we visited this morning. Robert Moses State Park was very quiet, as was WestEnd/Jones Beach. We stopped at Hempstead Lake State Park in mid-morning but no one we talked to had seen the previously reported Yellow-throated Warbler. We did o

[nysbirds-l] Hempstead Lake State Park (HLSP) Birds

2011-04-07 Thread ken feustel
Cool weather did not seem to inhibit the number of birds at HLSP this morning, although the species observed seemed similar to what was reported from the same location yesterday. Highlights were four species of swallow on South Pond, including an early Cliff Swallow, as well as Tree, Barn, and R

[nysbirds-l] Hempstead Lake State Park, Jones Beach and Jamaica Bay Wildlife Refuge...

2010-04-02 Thread Andrew Baksh
As Ken Feustel noted in his earlier post of today; birding this morning at Hempstead Lake Park was slow, but as it got warmer the birding picked up albeit the variety was slim. Species of note included both Ruby and Golden-crowned Kinglets, Brown Creeper and an *Orange-crowned Warbler* all observe

[nysbirds-l] Hempstead Lake State Park & West End/Jones Beach (Nassau Co.)

2010-04-02 Thread Ken Feustel
Birding was slow at HLSP early this morning, where there were more birders than birds. Other than Golden-crowned Kinglets there were few migrants. However, later in the morning the birding picked up (after we left). At West End there were good numbers of Eastern Phoebe's (approx. 25), a Yellow-

[nysbirds-l] Hempstead Lake State Park Birds (Nassau Co.)

2010-03-19 Thread Ken Feustel
At HLSP this morning the birding highlights were an Orange-crowned Warbler in company with a singing Ruby-crowned Kinglet, both observed in the woods south of the main parking area. The date suggests that the birds may have successfully overwintered in our area or points immediately south. Other