I am passing on a report from Darlene McNeil who reported the continuing Curlew Sandpiper minutes ago. See her pin here: https://maps.app.goo.gl/9Fky3TWREDMdr8cHA?g_st=ic

For those of you thinking of twitching. Please be aware that there has been a situation where some birders were denied entry to West End this morning. Apparently, the person manning the toll booth indicated that a fishing pass was required. A few of us have taken up the charge to get this sorted out. As it was reported that even Empire Pass holders were being denied entry.

Darlene, shared that she got around the mess by quickly getting a fishing license - see link - (https://decals.east.licensing.app/ ). Returned to the site with a fishing pole in tow and was able to gain entry. The latest in this sorry state of affairs is that I got NY State Parks to publicly state on Twitter (https://twitter.com/nystateparks/status/1662113576436355072?s=46&t=yCd8zvCt5vAwEYLwhkC5ww ) that they are looking into the issue and will update me with a status as soon as the LI regional office provides an explanation. Hopefully, it is sorted out in our favor soon.


“Emancipate yourself from mental slavery, none but ourselves could free our mind.” ~ Bob Marley

“Tenderness and Kindness are not signs of weakness and despair but manifestations of strength and resolution” ~ Khalil Gibran

"I prefer to be true to myself, even at the hazard of incurring the ridicule of others, rather than to be false, and to incur my own abhorrence." ~ Frederick Douglass

風 Swift as the wind
林 Quiet as the forest
火 Conquer like the fire
山 Steady as the mountain

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Sent from somewhere in the field using my mobile device! 

Andrew Baksh
NYSbirds-L List Info:
Please submit your observations to eBird!

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