The MacGillivrays Warbler was ongoing Wednesday 12/27, fifth known day since 
its discovery, at Riverdale west of Independence Ave., just south of W. 231 St, 
in the western part of the Bronx, for a modest number of observers, and with 
thanks to 2 Michaels, firstly Mike Bochnik who first noted the warbler out by 
W. 231St on the south side, west of the n.w. corner of the large 
cyclone-fenced, weedy-edged parking lot, and M.B. got a number of us straight 
over to get some views of the mousy warbler, bright as it is when seen well. 
Then a half-hour or less later, Mike Yuan noticed the warbler while standing 
with some of us on-watch back by the lawn with its very large pink toys. This 
time the warbler was just starting to approach that lawn area thru a 
back-brushy section but had been out on a narrow pathway near a row of small 
snowmen decorations. Unfortunately a sudden clanging noise put the bird into 
retreat just then. Anyhow this bird clearly continues its pattern of going 
around a circuit with occasional open views but much patience usually will be 
required for a satisfying view or chance for photos.

Also, on Tues., the warbler made some appearances up in trees, including up to 
around eye-level, for some observers. The species will at times go far higher 
into trees but that is mostly observed in the typical breeding areas and 
possibly in some wintering areas, very far west or southwest of the Bronx! The 
warbler also was seen in brighter conditions - briefly! - just at the sunset 
hour on Tuesday.

Notable in N.Y. Citys New York County were at least 3 Dunlin, with at least 8 
Purple Sandpipers, photographed by Dom. Ricci on Tuesday 12/26 at Governors 
Island rocky shoreline - both species are rare for the county, even given the 
recent occurrences of Purple SP on Manhattan Island at one ongoing location.

Good birding to all,

Tom Fiore


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