I was on Governors Island today for NYC Audubon's "It's Your Tern" festival, 
celebrating the nesting colonies of Common Terns there (now on all 3 piers 
along Buttermilk Channel, with young ranging in age from week-old little 
fuzzies to fledglings practicing flying the length of the piers).

I visited the Yellow-crowned Night-Heron nest, and am happy to report they have 
2 fairly large nestlings now, which both parents were shading with half-spread 
wings today, in punishing heat & sun.

There is a second YCNH nest which I discovered along with another birder 
yesterday, which has an adult sitting on eggs or chicks. This nest is much 
smaller & more fragile-looking than the aforementioned one that Ben & I 
initially reported.  I only saw one adult at this nest.  I wonder if it doesn't 
have a mate, or if the male at the other nest mated with two females?

Also of note on the island are large numbers of Barn & Northern Rough-winged 
Swallows; I presume both are nesting there.

Good albeit hot birding,

Gabriel Willow


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