N,Y. County -in N.Y. City- including Governors and Randalls and Roosevelt and 
Manhattan islands, and the adjacent skies and waters - mostly from sightings on 
Wed., May 22, and Thursday, May 23 -

Black Skimmers were arriving again with sightings from Governors Island - on 
the island itself for a time on Thursday, 23rd. Also noted there were Bobolinks 
which are coming thru in greater numbers by now, in the region.

Common Nighthawks also were starting to increase in number on their passage, 
with some as is typical here at least lingering a few days. Recent sightings 
include at least a couple over Randalls Island, while the species might be 
watched for from anywhere, including at Central and other larger parks where 
they had been seen previously this month.  Of the Caprimulgidae we can hope 
for, there is still a - chance - that Chuck-wills-widow could appear somewhere 
this spring on an more-unexpected visit here.

A hen Wild Turkey was again seen at Roosevelt Island thru May 21st, and there 
was at least one report of an ongoing male Kentucky Warbler on Governors Island 
to May 22, again at the Colonels Row sector of that isle. 

Of overall migration thru New York County, more and more of the late season 
movers have been showing, and here we are at the point when Blackpoll Warbler 
has been either the most-numerous of our migratory American warblers passing, 
or at least among the few most-numerous and common migrants of the Parulidae. 
Some days this past week have featured many thousands of that one warbler 
species for all of the county, and of course vastly more that were passing over 
in their nocturnal flights. Also common have been American Redstart. As 
mentioned in prior reports, Mourning Warbler continues to be a part of the 
diversity of American warblers passing thru lately and still coming thru, and 
all of these many warbler species have increasingly included many females of 
all of the species.

Many many species locally are now nesting and we all owe it to the birds to 
ensure above-all that we do nothing whatsoever to disturb these nesting pairs, 
anywhere, as this time period is critical to the success of species and 
populations in any given area.

Thanks to many quiet observers and photographers who have been out and about at 
all hours with so many sightings.

More reports due at least after the long holiday weekend. Stay safe in any 
travels local or farther-out and good birds to all,

Tom Fiore


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