Sunday 1/6 was not great weather, but headed out with Jim Horn, HM bateman and 
Alec Humann for Bohemian Waxwings in Newfane (Lake Rd between the Christian 
Camp and the Water Treatment Plant - on the south side of the road). Alec had 
once upon arrival and Jim was able to find another among the 160+ Cedar 
Waxwings. Also seen were 9 Common Redpoll among other birds.

Alec and I headed out to Golden Hill SP and then headed back west. The more 
interesting birds included 5 Northern Flickers on Hartland Rd near the power 
plant in Barker. 1 Iceland Gull at Wilson Harbor. Hulbert Rd yeilded 360 or so 
Snow Buntings. No pine Warbler on Dietz Rd (although we didn't look terribly 
long). Ft Niagara had 4 White-winged Scoters, 2 Mute Swans, 2 Golden-crowned 
Kinglets and at least 4 very uncooperative White-winged Crossbills.

On Saturday, 1/5 I had a lone Common Raven on River Rd in Tonawanda. I heard 
the bird before I saw it - it was fairly close to the Grand Island Bridge. The 
bird landed briefly on the landfill mounds on the west (inland) side of River 
Rd, and then cross over and flew along the river side of the road on the east 
side of the trees before heading out of sight around the LaFarge Plant. That 
being said, I try to hit that area fairly regularly (several times per month), 
and this is the 2nd time I have been able to see a Raven in the vicinity.

Happy New Year!

Joe Fell
Buffalo, NY


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