Alan Mapes and I today confirmed breeding success of the Osprey pair on Hudson 
River navigational marker 129  - we saw one approx 1-week old nestling poke its 
head up a few times! The green marker is seen from Cohotate Preserve or from 
The Willows, the Greene Land Trust property on Rt. 385 (follow the trail down 
to the river). 

Boaters – power craft don’t bother the birds but kayaks do. Please respect 
these birds, as we embrace their nesting success in the Hudson Valley.

Larry Federman
Education Coordinator
Audubon New York
Rheinstrom Hill, Buttercup Farm, and RamsHorn-Livingston Sanctuaries and Centers

From: philwhitney17 
Sent: Wednesday, June 19, 2013 9:13 PM
Subject: [HMBirds] Birdline June 19

Birdline Summary for week ending June 19:

Best of the week:
BRANT: New Baltimore 6/14.
AMERICAN WHITE PELICAN: Mohawk River at Rexford 6/16-6/18.
RED-SHOULDERED HAWK: Dyken Pond 6/15 (2); Deer Mountain 6/16.
PEREGRINE FALCON: Troy 6/15 (2 fledglings).
VIRGINIA RAIL: Bear Swamp 6/16.
PHILADELPHIA VIREO: Edinburg 6/13 (2).
CLIFF SWALLOW: Normanskill Farm 6/14.
WORM-EATING WARBLER: Deer Mountain 6.16 (4).

Thanks to Barb Casey (Rexford), Bruce Dudek (Rexford), Bernie Grossman 
(Rexford), Rich Guthrie (New Baltimore, Rexford), John Kent (Deer Mountain, 
Bear Swamp), Bill Lee (Edinburg), Naomi Lloyd (Normanskill Farm), Jim de Waal 
Malefyt (Dyken Pond), Curt Morgan (Troy), Will Raup (Rexford) and Tom Williams 

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