While leading a private tour today for some excitable twitchers from Newcastle, 
UK, we had some nice sightings in Prospect Park in spite [because of?] the 
dreary cold, wet weather.
On the Lake we had two Pied-billed Grebes, a number of American Coots, and many 
Ruddy Ducks.  Nearby under the Terrace Bridge we encountered a flock of 
White-throated Sparrows that included two Fox Sparrows, one of which burst into 
song!  I don't think I've ever heard a Fox Sparrow singing here in their 
wintering grounds... it was lovely.  Nearby I caught a quick glimpse of a 
greenish-gray bird I assumed to be a Ruby-crowned Kinglet, but I "pished" and 
it landed on a branch mere feet from our faces... and it was a fairly 
bright Orange-crowned Warbler!  Seems late, no?
On the Peninsula we encountered a flock of 8 House Finches eating Green Ash 
seeds, and there was one male Purple Finch in the group.
We also had Golden-and Ruby-crowned Kinglets, a flock of over 50 Juncos, a 
calling Carolina Wren, and the pair of Great-horned Owls roosting in their 
undisclosed location.
Not a bad day!  Oh, and yesterday from the Terrace Bridge I saw something I'd 
never witnessed before: in the afternoon a bat was circling (late as well, but 
it was warm) and a Merlin flew in and took a couple passes at it!  The bat went 
into evasive maneuvers though and the falcon didn't catch it though as far as I 
could see... must've been trying out to be a Bat Falcon!
Good Birding,
Gabriel WillowProspect Park Audubon CenterNYC Audubon

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1) http://www.mail-archive.com/nysbirds-l@cornell.edu/maillist.html
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3) http://birdingonthe.net/mailinglists/NYSB.html

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