It was a pretty active October morning from 8AM-11:30AM, although there was no 
big influx of fall sparrows to speak of.
There were many Ruby-crowned Kinglets (25+), Eastern Phoebes (20+), and 
Northern Flickers (50+), including a flock of 15 anting together on one of the 
smaller fields. All five common woodpeckers were seen including 2 
Yellow-bellied Sapsuckers.
A Brown Thrasher was a good find as this species has become scarce at this 
location. Several Hermit Thrushes, a few Golden-crowned Kinglets, a Scarlet 
Tanager, and a Rose-breasted Grosbeak. Two male Wood Ducks on the pond.
A tight wave came through a small section of woods that is usually not too 
productive; it included 2 Black-and-white Warblers, Northern Parula, Magnolia 
Warbler, 3 Black-throated Blue Warblers, 2 Black-throated Green Warblers, 4 
Red-eyed Vireos, , 4 Blue-headed Vireos, and a Yellow-throated Vireo.
Common Yellowthroats were in good numbers with about 12+ seen today.
Sparrows were increasing since last week but only species were White-throated 
(25), Swamp (5), and Chipping.

I was on the cliff-side trail looking down, (about 100 feet) and I had the 
opportunity to watch a Double-crested Cormorant fishing right at the edge of 
the sand, in about 1 foot deep clear water. It is amazing how fast these birds 
can swim underwater amongst all the rocks and boulders.
Even more amazing was the birds ability, at full speed underwater, to reverse 
direction in, literally, about a 6-inch turning circle with no loss of speed.

Later, I made the hike west to Prospect Point (west of the preserve). There was 
not much going on over there but I did find a bird circling high over the marsh 
which turned out to be a Wilson’s Snipe. It eventually did a nosedive into the 
back of the marsh. Also added a Savannah Sparrow and a boat load of Myrtle 
Warblers, which were completely absent from the preserve. Oh, and a lingering 
Great Egret.

Hawks were absent save single resident Red-tailed Hawk and Osprey.



Glenn Quinn
Hauppauge, NY

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