Hello All,          Early flyers today at Smith Point were- 1 Turkey
Vulture, one Osprey,  1 American Kestrel, 2 Merlin, a single Peregrine, 1
Coopers Hawk, 3 Northern Harrier, 1 Killdeer, large roaming flocks of Dark
Eyed Junco, small passing flocks of American Goldfinch/ Pine Siskin, and
lots of distant Northern Gannets. Later day fliers were 38 Bonaparte Gull, 5
Snow Bunting and a Great Egret. I got a call from Dick Belanger who had
spent the afternoon along Dune Road. He found a large raft,[200+],  of
Common Eider sitting off the eastern tip of the jetty at Shinnecock. There
were also 5 Purple Sandpiper working the east side rocks there. At Tiana
Beach a flock of 16 Snow Bunting were startled by a passing N. Harrier.
Good November Birding,         Carl Starace


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3) http://www.surfbirds.com/birdingmail/Group/NYSBirds-L

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