I started the morning walking in the drizzle at Sunken Meadow State 
County).  My first stop was the dirt lot at the NW corner of Field 2 to look 
the reported Clay-colored Sparrow.  When I arrived it was very quiet and no 
birds were to be found.  I waited a few minutes and proceeded to walk around 
entire lot.  When I got back to where I originally started I flushed two 
sparrows up into the high grass.  Upon inspection, I was looking at both the 
Clay-colored Sparrow and a Swamp sparrow.  They quickly dropped back down to 
ground and continued to feed.  While watching the Clay-colored I heard a rather 
loud distinct "chink."  I turned around and saw a large blue bird perched on 
of one of the shrubs across the way.  I lifted my bins and found myself staring 
at a male Blue Grosbeak.  He didn't stay very long, as I tried moving a little 
closer he flew overhead and deep into the field(if you want to call it that).  
The only other birds were 2 Song Sparrows.  When I left the lot, the 
Clay-colored was still feeding.

Next, I hiked the Inner Marsh trail.  There was very little activity.  The only 
birds of note were 4 Purple Finch, 1 Wood Thrush, 7 species of warbler, 22+Wood 
Ducks, and a Blue-winged Teal hen dabbling on the last pond along the 
trail.  By 
the time I was done and heading back to my car, the drizzling stopped 
completely.  Eastern Phoebes and a Sharp-shinned Hawk were the last birds I 
while exiting the park.

Vinny Pellegrino
East Northport, NY
"Go confidently in the direction of your dreams.  Live the life you've 

-Henry David Thoreau


NYSbirds-L List Info:

1) http://www.mail-archive.com/nysbirds-l@cornell.edu/maillist.html
2) http://birdingonthe.net/mailinglists/NYSB.html
3) http://www.surfbirds.com/birdingmail/Group/NYSBirds-L

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