On this morning's NYC Audubon Bryant Park Bird Walk (Wed. 10/26 from 8-9 AM) we 
had some wonderful sightings and a daring attempted rescue!
We started in the NW corner of the park, where we saw Ovenbirds, Catbirds, a 
Hermit Thrush, and White-throated Sparrows.  We then worked our way along the 
hedgerow at the Northern edge of the emerging skating rink.  There's a lot of 
ongoing construction, so it can be hard to get around, but this path should be 
open.  We spotted a couple of Yellow-bellied Sapsuckers, lots more 
White-throated Sparrows, a Brown Thrasher, a late Black-and-white Warbler, 
several Common Yellowthroats, and I caught a brief glimpse of a larger bird 
with a yellow throat pecking at a bagel with several sparrows... could it be, a 
Yellow-breasted Chat?  My gut said yes, but it was gone before I could get my 
binoculars on it.  
Just then, I spotted what appeared to be a small bird in one of the London 
plane trees, hanging from one foot and struggling.  It was a female Blackpoll 
Warbler, with her foot somehow tangled in the twigs.  I went to find help, some 
way to get her down.  With the assistance of Bryant Park staff, we got a tall 
ladder and an arborist with a very long pruning clippers, and some workmen held 
a blanket as a net to catch the unfortunate warbler as we snipped the twig.  
The plan was a success, we caught the bird and disentangled her foot (I 
couldn't see exactly how it got caught).  We warmed her up and placed her in a 
paper bag, to take to a rehabilitator, but unfortunately she died en route, 
from shock or exhaustion.  Who knows how long she had been hanging there?
Meanwhile, the Yellow-breasted Chat reappeared, and my instincts proved 
correct!  It was seen by several observers and was last seen hopping on the 
blue astro-turf at the north edge of the rink.
About an hour ago in Prospect Park, I encountered a Vesper Sparrow with a flock 
of Chipping Sparrows and Juncos at the Eastern edge of the Long Meadow near the 
Upper Pool.I also sighted a Swainson's Thrush in the Ravine.
Quite a day!
Gabriel WillowNYC Audubon

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