As more reports filter into eBird, there of course may be some additions to 
birds seen in N.Y. County, and, in this instance for the CBC conducted there 
and in an adjacent sector of northern New Jersey, comprising in full the Lower 
Hudson CBC.

Yellow Warbler has been found on other bird counts in December in the area over 
recent decades and more have been detected much later than typically expected 
in the wider region in recent times, so the individual at the far-north end of 
Central Park, while quite unusual, is not a -shocker- for the city or the 
region.  This of course adds yet another of the Parulidae to the list of 
species seen on Sunday, 12/17.

Additionally, it seems that at least one Prairie Warbler was found in New 
Jersey on Sunday for the Lower Hudson count circle, that then making moot for 
the CBC itself that none of the latter species were noted for N.Y. County on 
the day; however, its very possible that the species might be lingering still 
at Governors Island, which is within N.Y. County.

A rainy look for a Western Tanager was **so far, not** fruitful in the 
less-than-ideal conditions of Monday, 12/18 morning hours;  there is plenty of 
habitat in that linear park - Morningside Park in Manhattan, and many of the 
other recent lingerers remain in place there, including at least 2 of the 
warbler species as well as R.-c. Kinglet and Y.-b. Sapsucker, and watchful 
American Robins, but also Hermit Thrush in the well-watched crabapple tree near 
West 113th-114th Streets in the upper area of the park, nearer to Morningside 

thanks again to those who were out Sunday volunteering with the CBC effort and 
reporting some of the interesting finds for that.

Good birding to all,

Tom Fiore


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