Sunday, 10 April 2016

This possible S.-t. Kite report was posted to the CT-Birds list,  
earlier this Sunday.   I do not know the observer and have no other  
details to offer;  the report suggests the bird seen was perhaps  
heading "towards N.Y. City." -;id=1167105

At Central Park (Manhattan, N.Y.City), the Louisiana Waterthrush I  
first reported here 6 days prior is still at the same location as  
first found, by the Hallett Sanctuary & the Pond in the park's SE  
sector.  By now, at least 25+ birders have been able to see it there,  
& some have been able to photograph it as well (all without a need to  
play a single note on any device or in any way harass!)

In other warblers, at least 3 other spp. have continued at Central as  
well, with a few Palm, a slight increase in Pine & just a few Myrtle/ 
Yellow-rumped Warblers still around in various areas including the n.  
& s. ends of the park as well as the vicinity of the Ramble.     
Overall, there seemed to be only the slightest change in variety &  
numbers, although swallow numbers did appear to be less than in the  
rain of Saturday (which is not so unusual, often at least in Central,  
a greater no. & variety of swallows will be seen in inclement weather,  
rather than lovely sunny clear weather, in the spring migration  
season).  2 Hooded Mergansers were still at the CP reservoir, and also  
lingering there are N. Shovelers, Buffleheads, Ruddy Ducks, Gadwall, &  
many Double-crested Cormorants, plus the usual 3 species of gulls.

Ethical birding - & quiet for the sake of the birds to all,

Tom Fiore

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