[nysbirds-l] After almost 17 years, and still no Cattle Egret...but a Ross's Goose "ain't half bad" !

2018-02-24 Thread robert adamo
There is a horse pasture on the s/s of Middle Rd., between Ostrander Ave &
Northville Tpke, Riverhead, that I've known about since 1968, when I
transferred from Garden City to Riverhead, for the local utility company.
Then known as LILCO, but after ~ 7 name changes, operates now as the
National Grid / PSE&G Power Company. I myself, retired in 1999 when it was
still Keyspan, after 42 years, 8 months, and 23 days...but who's counting !

>From the moment I saw this pasture, (which is less than 5 minutes from my
house) I was sure this had to be a good spot to find Cattle Egret*. *So
today, on my way down to Dune Rd., as I approached the pasture...could it
be, or were my eyes playing tricks on me in the form of a white bird (of
any species), something which hadn't happened in 16 + years ? Well no, they
weren't ! There was a white bird toward the back of the pasture (the only
bird within it, of any species) feeding away, but the shape was wrong for
an egret, but right-on for a goose ! Fully expecting to get my scope on a
Snow Goose, I was quite surprised to find an adult Ross's, my 1st of the
season ! The time of day was ~ 1430, but when I passed this location at ~
1700, it was gone, with 2 Canadas taking its place. I will try again
tomorrow AM, and will post if it has returned.

Following my usual route, I rode Dune Road., from the Post La. Bridge,
Quogue to Shinnicock Inlet, Hampton Bays. There were only 2 birds of note,
a N.Harrier seen early in the ride, and a Snowy Owl seen at the end. This
bird (only the 2nd of the season for me) was spectacular for (a) its very
"being", and (b) for where it decided to show off that "being" !  Would you
believe atop the highest "cupola" on the roof of Oakland's Restaurant,
which is the last (and biggest) restaurant on Shinnicock Bay, before the
inlet ! Through the years I have seen this exciting species many times
along Dune Rd., but this has to be the best photographic opportunity I have
ever been afforded - and yes, I did get a few good ones !

P.S...As Gil Raynor used to say, "good weather - bad birding" / "bad
weather - good birding" !


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[nysbirds-l] The New York Botanical Garden

2018-02-24 Thread Debbie Becker
The highlights of my Saturday morning bird walk @NYBG were two ORANGE CROWNED 
WARBLERS at the base of Azalea Way and 16 RUSTY BLACKBIRDS in the swale.  

Brown creeper
Fox sparrow
Song sparrow -singing
White throated sparrow
Tufted titmouse
White breasted nuthatch
Mourning dove
Yellow bellied sapsucker
Hairy woodpecker 
Downy woodpecker 
Red bellied woodpecker 
Red tailed hawk
Northern Shovelers-2
Hooded mergansers-2
Wood ducks-4
Red winged blackbirds -males calling & displaying
Blue jays

Good Birding,
Debbie Becker
NYBG Bird Guide


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[nysbirds-l] Lesser Black-Backed Gulls Broome Co.

2018-02-24 Thread David Nicosia
This morning I had 3 adult Lesser Black-Backed Gulls on the ice at
Dorchester Park in Whitney Point, NY. The birds were with 1st and/or 2nd
cycle herring gulls. This is the 3rd year in a row, at least, that we have
had this species in Broome Co. Strangely, it has been several years since I
have had a great black-backed gull which overall is more common in NY

Dave Nicosia


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3) http://birding.aba.org/maillist/NY01

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[nysbirds-l] Rye 200+ Tundra Swans

2018-02-24 Thread mountainjam18
While leading the Audubon Greenwich field trip to Read Sanctuary in Rye with 
Stefan Martin we viewed a flock of 150+ TUNDRA SWANS heading West at 12:15 PM 
over Playland. Frank Guida told me not long after that he saw what was likely 
the same group over New Rochelle. We subsequently saw groups of 20 and 29 
Tundra Swans heading East and were able to locate 9 sitting in the Mill Pond 
cove at the end of Kirby Lane in Rye. As of 20 minutes ago they were still 

-Ryan MacLean
Audubon Greenwich

Sent from AOL Mobile Mail

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3) http://birding.aba.org/maillist/NY01

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[nysbirds-l] Alley Pond Red-necked Grebe Update

2018-02-24 Thread Steve Walter
Since people are still coming to look for the Red-necked Grebe on Alley Pond
in Queens, it's worth a mention that it is still here.



Steve Walter

Bayside, NY


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[nysbirds-l] Walkill NWR

2018-02-24 Thread Larry Trachtenberg
Highlight was large numbers of pintail (500), also plentiful were GW Teal, 
American Widgeon, Mallard, canada goose, less so Gadwall, Ring necked duck, 
Black duck, even less so hooded Merg,  common merg, wood duck and not seen by 
me coot. Several harriers (no rough legged).  A bit up the road at the two silo 
farm large numbers of horned lark (a few smaller birds with them but unable to 
get a fix as to whether bunting or longspur). And at the Camel Farm a large 
(500 or so) flock of Snow Geese (many blue morphs but no Ross’s).  And very 
plentiful in the black dirt were red wing blackbirds and grackles.  

L. Trachtenberg 

Sent from my iPhone

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[nysbirds-l] Redhead X Ring-necked Duck hybrid at Eastport, Suffolk Co.

2018-02-24 Thread Joseph DiCostanzo
A male hybrid associating with Ring-necks at Eastport.

Joe DiCostanzo

Sent from my iPad


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Re: [nysbirds-l] 110+ Tundra Swan

2018-02-24 Thread Phil
Huge flock, Seen 15 minutes ago, flying northwest, from Rye Playland parking 
lot. 2nd flock of 30 seen flying SE along LI Sound. Seen on Greenwich Audubon 
walk with Ryan MacLean and Stefan Martin. 



On Feb 23, 2018, at 6:05 PM, zach schwartz-weinstein  wrote:

I saw several eastern chipmunks around Ausable Club road this morning while 
looking for Pine Grosbeaks and was surprised to see them out this early that 
far north.  I found several red crossbills (type 3) there, as well as roughly 
56 Pine Siskins, several purple finches and red-breasted nuthatches, and two 
Pine Grosbeaks perched in a tree near the Trailhead on Lake Road.  

> On Fri, Feb 23, 2018 at 6:02 PM Joan Collins  
> wrote:
> Out birding on February, 22, 2018, the windless weather felt like such a gift 
> (for an ear birder anyway!).  We visited boreal habitat areas of Long Lake, 
> Piercefield, Newcomb, Minerva, and North Hudson, and owled in Long Lake after 
> dinner (Rt. 30, Sabattis Circle Road all the way to Sabattis Station, and 
> Lake Eaton) – (Hamilton, St. Lawrence, and Essex Counties).  The calm, cloudy 
> day, turned into a calm, clear night for owling.  The stars and moon were 
> spectacular.  The lakes made other-worldly sounds as the ice shifted and 
> cracked from so many temperature extremes during the past few days.  A 
> Snowshoe Hare bounced across Sabattis Road like a brilliant orb in our 
> headlights.  Snowmelt in February creates new dangers for a winter-white 
> animal.  During the day, two Eastern Chipmunks were actively running around – 
> I don’t recall ever seeing this hibernating mammal active in February and I 
> wondered what they will do if we return to “winter”.  Here is our species 
> list:
> Ruffed Grouse – displaying bird at the side of Sabattis Circle Road!
> Wild Turkey
> Barred Owl – 3 calling at Lake Eaton in Long Lake
> Northern Saw-whet Owl – 1 tooting along Sabattis Circle Road!
> Downy Woodpecker
> Hairy Woodpecker
> Black-backed Woodpecker – female drumming and viewed along Route 30 (just 
> north of John Dillon Park)
> Pileated Woodpecker – some drumming along Sabattis Circle Road and one 
> flyover near Horseshoe Lake
> Gray Jay – 8; (pair at Round Lake Trailhead, 3 at Sabattis Bog, 2 at 
> Santanoni Dr. in Newcomb, and 1 heard one calling near Sand Pond Marsh in 
> North Hudson)
> Blue Jay
> American Crow
> Common Raven
> Black-capped Chickadee
> Boreal Chickadee – 7 (flocks of at least 4 and 3 in the vicinity of Sand Pond 
> Marsh along the Blueridge Road) Nice views!
> Red-breasted Nuthatch
> White-breasted Nuthatch – 2 (rare to see this winter!)
> Golden-crowned Kinglet
> Purple Finch – lots of singing!
> Red Crossbill – many!  Rt. 30, Sabattis Rd. (4 gritting with WWCRs), 
> Horseshoe Lake Rd. (Rt. 421) – 2 locations (2 gritting with PISIs, and 4 
> gritting with WWCRs), and several locations along the Blueridge Road (in the 
> Sand Pond Marsh vicinity, we observed 4 Red Crossbills feeding on Tamarack 
> cone seeds).
> White-winged Crossbill – many! Rt. 30 – several (views past John Dillon Park 
> and a pair with a female picking nesting material where we fed Gray Jays), 
> Sabattis Rd. - 6, Horseshoe Lake Rd. (Rt. 421) - 2, and flock of at least 6 
> flying over us as we looked at the Boreal Chickadees in the Sand Pond Marsh 
> vicinity
> Pine Siskin – many
> American Goldfinch
> American Tree Sparrow – several at a feeder in Newcomb
> Dark-eyed Junco
> I went out today (February 23, 2018) for a quick trip just before the 
> rain/ice began (in Long Lake).  A Pileated Woodpecker loudly foraged along 
> Sabattis Circle Road.  Gray Jays are in nesting mode and I only saw one pair 
> at Sabattis Bog.  I spotted 2 male Red Crossbills perched along Route 28N at 
> the edge of Shaw Pond.  One male was singing from the top of a Balsam Fir.  A 
> White-winged Crossbill was calling as it flew around Sabattis Bog.  I found 2 
> male White-winged Crossbills gritting in Sabattis Circle Road near a marsh 
> area, and then one flew up to the top of a spruce and began to sing.  It’s 
> nice to have nesting birds in winter!
> Joan Collins
> Editor, New York Birders
> Long Lake, NY
> (315) 244-7127 cell  
> (518) 624-5528 home
> http://www.adirondackavianexpeditions.com/  
> http://www.facebook.com/AdirondackAvian
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Zach Schwartz-Weinstein
203 500 7774
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[nysbirds-l] Tundra Swans Floyd Bennett Field KINGS County

2018-02-24 Thread Michael Yuan
Corey Finger reported 30+ Tundra Swan visible from the Boat Launch and Raptor 
Point. Heydi Lopes and I are at Raptor Point viewing on two distant flocks of 
16 and 24, west and south of Canarsie Pol. 

Mike Yuan
Brooklyn, NY

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2) http://www.surfbirds.com/birdingmail/Group/NYSBirds-L
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