See Life Paulagics is running a spring overnight pelagic trip leaving
Sunday evening, May 20 and returning on Monday, May 21.  Targets at this
time of year include Northern Fulmar, Cory's, Great, Sooty (spring is the
time of year for us to find them in our area), and Manx Shearwaters,
Leach's and Wilson's Storm-Petrels, all 3 jaegers, South Polar Skua, Arctic
Tern, and Red and Red-necked Phalaropes.  In 2015 we found a Black-capped
Petrel out of Cape May and six South Polar Skuas out of Brooklyn!  Spring
seems to be the best time to find South Polar Skua in our area. It's also
prime time for migrant songbirds some of which may land on the boat!

Here are the particulars:
Date:  Sun-Mon, May 20-21
Time:  8:00 PM - 6:00 PM
Cost:  $250
Boat:  Brooklyn VI

The Brooklyn VI is docked at 2200 Emmons Ave. in Brooklyn. It is
comfortable 100' boat with a full walk-around lower deck, birdable upper
deck, and galley where you can get hot food and coffee. Sleeping
arrangements are sleeping bags and ground pads on benches and on the deck.
People select their sleeping spots in the order they signed up so it pays
to sign up early.  We hope to be out at the edge of the Continental Shelf
at or even before daybreak to start a chum slick first thing and attract
birds to the boat.

For more information check out our website.  If you have questions or wish
to make a reservation, please contact us by email or phone.  We hope to see
you aboard!



*Paul A. GurisSee Life PaulagicsPO Box 161Green Lane, PA <>
<> <>


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