This morning on my weekly Bryant Park/ NYC Audubon walk, we had some 
interesting sightings.
Of note was a roving flock of Tufted Titmice in the tops of the London Plane 
trees.  Although a common species, they seem to stick to their territories in 
Central Park or wherever, and I don't recall having seen them before in Bryant 
Park.  There were about a half-dozen birds.
Also present were a couple of Northern Cardinals (another unusual species for 
the park), a Hermit Thrush (FOS for me), numerous Yellow-bellied Sapsuckers, a 
Winter Wren, Lincoln's Sparrow, Swamp Sparrow, and very large numbers of 
White-throated Sparrow.  One participant in my walk (who is a fairly 
experienced birder) reported seeing a White-crowned Sparrow earlier in the day, 
but I failed to spot it.  She saw it near the public restroom, so that'd be 
worth keeping an eye out for.
In front of the Library, we found more Sapsuckers, a lone Ruby-crowned Kinglet, 
and a very unusual White-throated Sparrow that I suspect was a hybrid between a 
WTSP and a Song Sparrow.  It looked like a typical brown-striped morph but had 
heavy malar stripes and was as heavily streaked below as a SOSP, with a central 
breast spot.  I've seen streaked young WTSPs, but never as coarsely and heavily 
as this bird.
Here's the whole list:
Rock PigeonYellow-bellied SapsuckerEastern PhoebeBlue JayTufted TitmouseWinter 
WrenRuby-crowned KingletGray CatbirdHermit ThrushCommon 
YellowthroatOvenbirdNorthern CardinalSong SparrowSwamp SparrowLincoln's 
SparrowWhite-throated SparrowWhite-crowned Sparrow (?)
Gabriel WillowNYC Audubon


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