At Belmont Lake State Park this morning the previously reported White-fronted 
Geese (7), Cackling Goose (1) and Wood Duck (4) were still present until at 
least 8:00AM. We missed the Eurasian Wigeon on Santapogue Creek(south side of 
Montauk Highway) in West Babylon but were treated to an adult Cooper's Hawk 
munching on an unidentified bird. At West End the three White-crowned Sparrows 
are still present at the beginning of the entrance road to the WE Coast Guard 
Station and WE2 marina. We did not see the previously reported Lapland 
Longspur. The Pine Warbler is still lingering with Yellow-rumped Warblers at 
the west entrance to the WE2 parking lot. At Pt. Lookout five Harlequin Ducks 
were around the western-most jetty. A Captree CBC count week Brown-headed 
Cowbird was at Cedar Beach with Starlings (we missed BHC for the count). There 
were dozens of Yellow-rumped Warblers on the shoulders of the parkways from the 
Jones Beach Water Tower to the WE2 parking lot - probably the first day they 
were able to leave the shelter of the nearby vegetation.

Ken & Sue Feustel

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