We saw & heard some nice stuff on my NYC Audubon walk around the Great Hill 
area of Central Park this evening.  Several warblers remain around the 
sapsucker wells to the NW corner of the Great Hill (to the left of the 
fenced-in area by the bathrooms).  There were 2, possibly 3 bright Cape May 
Warblers, 2 Black-throated Blue Warblers (1 male, 1 female), an American 
Redstart, a Vermivora I saw briefly but couldn't ID (Orange-crowned or 
Tennessee, leaning towards the latter), a Blue-headed Vireo, and of course a 
number of Sapsuckers.

It seems like there's a movement in the last couple days of species that 
largely passed through earlier, but there's some stragglers.  Yesterday and 
today in this same area I heard (but didn't see) a Rose-breasted Grosbeak, and 
yesterday I had a female Indigo Bunting there as well (closer to the 103 St 

The other highlight this evening was a flyover Common Nighthawk, spotted from 
the Great Hill (t was headed southward); 3 Field Sparrows, several Swamp 
Sparrows, and numerous Kinglets of both species.

Beautiful fall day in the park!


Gabriel Willow
NYC Audubon

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