Monday, 10 March, 2014 - Central Park, Manhattan, N.Y. City

In a one-hour scan (with scope & binoculars, & with 5 additional  
observers at var. times) during the noon hour today, one species of  
grebe was found - but it was a (presumed first-of-this-month) Pied- 
billed Grebe, &

NO Red-necked Grebe was noted. The Pied-billed was resting well off  
the south side, which still as of 1 p.m. is where the most open water  
is on the reservoir, however the lead in the ice along the central  
dike is opening farther on to the north side & some birds are  
beginning to use that open water & adjacent ice.

A drake & hen Red-breasted Merganser, as well as a pair of Hooded  
Mergansers were present, and today, 6 Wood Ducks (2 hens, 4 drakes)  
were seen all on the reservoir.  As well, numbers of N. Shovelers may  
have dropped just a bit there, & Buffleheads were again in modest  
numbers. The gull numbers appeared about the same, & several hundred  
Canada Geese were around, again as yesterday.  It is certainly  
possible that the red-necked grebe is still present at the reservoir  
but it was not noticed by anyone in the noon hour, so it may have  
moved out. As ice continues melting and waterbirds are obviously going  
to be moving, it should be well worth checking here, in weeks to come.

good end-of-winter birding,

Tom Fiore

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