After returning from "up west" (as the older 'east-enders' are prone to say) 
around 5 PM, I decided to try the Riverhead, Suffolk Co. sod fields for 
migrating shorebirds. As I checked the w/s field along Route 105, I noticed 
about 12-15 Kildeers, working the plowed under strip closest the road. While 
looking them over, a number of hunkered down birds came into view. I started to 
think "goldens", but before getting a good look (they turned out to be Mourning 
Doves), all the birds started to scatter-a millisecond later, a low flying, 
juvenile peregrine came hurtling into the just vacated airspace in front of me. 
I was shielded from the actual "takedown" by a bush/tree,but got on the falcon 
again as it carried it's prey off to a nearby dirt farm road, where it started 
the feather plucking process.I used this time to drive to the dirt road, and 
begin walking, taking a wide, circuitous route to get the sun at my back for a 
photo shoot. By the time I reached my objective, the peregrine was about 3/4 
done with it's meal. I'm glad I took the time, because I wound up with some 
really neat shots. After the falcon took off, I checked out the remains of what 
had been a plump MODO...I also got some neat shots of that too! Cheers, Bob  
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