On 7/13/2013 8:16 PM, Kevin J. McGowan wrote:

One always hates to post something without 100% certainty, but sometimes it just doesn’t work that way. 

I know what you mean.

BTW I know posting about this species is sensitive, but many of us from downstate would appreciate updates if possible.

Arie Gilbert
North Babylon, NY


I always want to hear about the possibilities quickly, rather than the certainties too late to do anything about them.  So here is a head’s-up for birders in the Montezuma area.


Today we were birding at Montezuma NWR, and had found most of the regular things that have already been reported.  We were scoping distant shore birds from East Rd (both yellowlegs, least and semipalmated sandpipers, 1 Stilt Sandpiper).  I heard something in the background noise around the road that made me take notice.  I have lots of common-bird filters in place, and when something out of the ordinary calls, I notice it.  It may have called twice, but I responded eventually and asked myself, “What just called that made me think of Henslow’s Sparrow?”  I focused my awareness on that possibility, and when it called again I was ready.  Henslow’s Sparrow!!


Jay heard it, but may not have been able to process the tiny, short call completely.  To me, it sounded not quite the way I remembered it, with more roundness to the tones than the dry tss-lik! I think of. But it matched perfectly the first New York recording of the Sibley app.


We walked the road and played the song without finding anything. But, this is a bird I know and have history with.  I cannot say with 100% certainty that I heard a Henslow’s Sparrow today.  But, I’m 90% sure I did.


So, head’s up Montezuma birders!  Please find this bird and prove me right.  Birding is such a head game that feedback, positive or negative, can have a huge effect on one’s confidence.


Kevin J. McGowan

Freeville, NY


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