It was a very quiet overcast day at Jones Beach West End.  At 10am, the bar
at the Coast Guard Station featured about 50 American Oystercatchers,
Black-bellied Plovers, Dunlin, a Sanderling, Brant, and a Long-tailed Duck.
The Marbled Godwit was not seen by me nor by a boating birder.  There was a
lone Ruddy Duck in the water by the gazebo; Common Loons, and a White-eared
Scoter were swimmng in the Inlet.  The hedge area and median were notable
for the lack of sparrows and finches.  I did hear a Red-breasted Nuthatch,
but otherwise Yellow-rumps, Mockingbirds and one or two Northern Harriers
were the predominent birds.

The Northern Shrike was seen at the TR Nature Center on the east side of the
boardwalk, on a tall stalk, just beyond the hawk interpretative signs.  It
was not there, then it was there, then it was gone!  A flock of Snow
Buntings flew by the Nature Center, settling out in the sand.  As I left the
Center parkng lot (which turned out to be open, though the center was
closed), a Cooper's Hawk, flew in.

Donna Schulman
Forest Hills, NY


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