Birding in the Kissena Park corridor area continues to be excellent.  Peter
Reisfeld found a LARK SPARROW (mediocre photo on my Flickr site), and Eric
Miller found an immature MOURNING WARBLER and a CONNECTICUT WARBLER.  Other
"good" birds included both CUCKOOS, BLUE GROSBEAK, and CLAY-COLORED
SPARROW.  The birding group also included Jeff Ritter, Bobby and Colleeen,
and myself.

I left Kissena at 11am, so I'm sure more great birds have been found since
then. Jeff will have a full report later today.  I wanted to get the word


*Donna L. Schulman
Forest Hills, NY + North Brunswick, NJ


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Jeffrey Ritter <>
Date: Sat, Sep 24, 2011 at 9:28 PM
Subject: [nysbirds-l] Kissena Park, Queens - 17 Warbler species including
Connecticut and more
To: New York Bird List <>

I birded Kissena Park twice today, this morning from 9:30 to 11:00 by myself
and this afternoon from 3:30 to 6:45 with Eric Miller.

There were not great numbers today, not a surprise given the summery
weather. What was a surprise was the diversity and number of notable
species. It turned out to be a memorable day of birding.

Except for the Philadelphia Vireos which I found this morning, the most
notable species of the day were found by Eric this afternoon.

Blackpoll Warbler (15 or more scattered around the park)
Blue-winged Warbler (1 high in the trees southeast of the east orchard)
Black-throated Green Warbler (2)
Pine Warbler (1 dull female)
Northern Waterthrush (2)
Wilson’s Warbler (1 at inflow into swampy area)
Yellow Warbler (1 or 2 near inflow into swampy area)
Northern Parula (2)
Tennessee Warbler (1)
Nashville Warbler (3-4)
Magnolia Warbler (1)
Yellow-rumped Warbler (1)
Palm Warbler (5-6)
Black and White Warbler (2)
American Redstart (15 or so)
Common Yellowthroat (15+)
CONNECTICUT WARBLER (1 in Kissena corridor along north-south path east of
the community garden)
Red-eyed Vireo (3-4)
PHILADELPHIA VIREO (2 near path that connects lake area with orchard east of
the Velodrome)
Song Sparrow (too many to count)
CLAY-COLORED SPARROW (near outfield fence of ball field near corner of
Kissena & Booth Memorial)
Savannah Sparrow (2 in Kissena corridor)
Rose-breasted Grosbeak (1)
Indigo Bunting (1 or 2)
Bobolink (2 in Kissena corridor)
Ruby-throated Hummingbird (1)
Chimney Swift (flock of 40-50 at the lake)
Empid. Fycatcher
Eastern Phoebe (3)
Brown Thrasher (3)
Ring-necked Pheasant (1)
Eastern Towhee (1)
House Wren (4)

Jeff Ritter
Little Neck, NY

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