In the space of 4 days I have seen 2 wonderful birds, both, while under heavy 
time restraints ! 
On Thursday, Jan.6, I had all of 50 minutes to go from Huntington Station to 
Cold Spring Harbor ( both in Suffolk Co. ), look for the Tufted Duck, and then 
get back to H/ S for a dinner party. I got the bird, but missed the alloted 
time by 3 minutes- a "sin", which I was absolved from, by the benevolent, "she 
who must be obeyed"
On Sunday, Jan.9, I had 2 hours & 15 minutes to go from home in  Riverhead to 
the Grumman Grasslands in Calverton ( both in Suffolk Co.), look for the 
LeConte's Sparrow, get back home, change, and then get to the 11 o'clock mass 
on time. There are 10 traffic lights between my house and the Rt.25 entrance of 
the C/ G's, but when I passed the last light, without having to stop at any one 
of those lights, I knew I was going to see the bird - and what a viewing it was 
Arriving at the "short" runway ~ 9 AM, it was reassuring to find 5-8 hardy 
birders, with tripods unfurled, looking out on the short, full, "Christmas Tree 
shaped" juniper, growing in front of the small, cyclone fenced enclosure. The 
folks "on station" quickly zeroed me in on my very first Ammodramus leconteii  
!  First the "orangy" breast and white belly, then the striped crown, followed 
by the striped back as it took turns sunning itself, and diving out of sight. 
All of this, plus the camaraderie of happy, satisfied, fellow birders is quite 
a "high" ! 
Throw in a T.V. and my FOS Rough-legged Hawk (light morph)- one could say..."my 
cup overflows" !

Cheers, Bob


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