Date: Friday, 12 November 2010 (1:50p-4:10p)
Location: Manhattan - Swindler Cove Park & Sherman
Reported by: Ben Cacace

This upper Manhattan park is situated along the Harlem River at the end of
Dyckman St. & 10th Avenue across the island from Fort Tryon Park. "Winter"
park hours (Nov 1st to Mar 14th) from 8am to 4pm.

On my 3rd trip to this park it's clear that a few of the birds are regulars.
NUTHATCH, at least 1 resident NORTHERN MOCKINGBIRD, at least 3 juvenile
BLACK-CROWNED NIGHT-HERONS plus 1 juvenile COOPER'S HAWK were seen at least
2 out of the last 3 trips.

The one notable thing missing were AMERICAN GOLDFINCHES. Last week's 75+
individuals were reduced to a few seen over the 2 hour stay.

It was well past low tide when I arrived.

Weather for 12-Nov for New York, NY (1:51p-3:51p) < >:
- Conditions: Clear
- Temperature: 62.1 to 64.0 F (16.7 to 17.8 C)
- Wind direction: Variable - NNE - N
- Wind speed: 4 - 8 mph (no gusts reported)

** Total species - 31 **

Abundance categories from 'The New York City Audubon Society Guide to
Finding Birds in the Metropolitan Area' published 2001. Abundance season is
'late Fall', mid September - November, and applies to all of New York City.

'Scarce' seen in habitat, but not daily [2 spp]:
- Black-crowned Night-Heron - 3 juveniles continue around Sherman Creek
- Brown Creeper - 1 continues near the bat house installation

'Uncommon' seen in small numbers; 1-3 per day in habitat [3 spp]:
- Cooper's Hawk - 1 juvenile perched on S edge of Sherman Creek near sunset
- Red-bellied Woodpecker - 1 male
- Yellow-bellied Sapsucker - 2+

'Fairly Common' usually seen; 3-12 per day in habitat [6 spp]:
- Red-tailed Hawk - 1 adult seen at the start & 1 perched on the
northernmost Dyckman House apartment building near sunset
- Downy Woodpecker - Pair (m/f) continues
- Black-capped Chickadee - 6+ seen & heard
- White-breasted Nuthatch - 1 female continues
- Northern Mockingbird - 1 continues
- American Goldfinch - 1 seen & heard

'Common' seen easily; more than 12 per day in habitat [20 spp]:
- Canada Goose - 16+ on Sherman Creek
- American Black Duck - 5+ on Sherman Creek
- Mallard - 7+ on Sherman Creek
- Ring-billed Gull - 12+
- Herring Gull - 1 near closing time
- Great Black-backed Gull - 2 adults
- Rock Pigeon - 12+
- Mourning Dove - 12 heading towards Swindler Cove Park near sunset
- Blue Jay - 5+ seen & heard
- American Crow - A group of 7 west of the Harlem River
- Ruby-crowned Kinglet - 1
- American Robin - 2+
- European Starling - 75+
- Yellow-rumped Warbler - 2+
- Song Sparrow - 4+
- Swamp Sparrow - 1 in the salt marsh
- White-throated Sparrow - 6+
- Dark-eyed Junco - 12+
- Red-winged Blackbird - 1 male near the bat house installation
- House Sparrow - 12+

Taxonomic order:

- Canada Goose - 16+ on Sherman Creek
- American Black Duck - 5+ on Sherman Creek
- Mallard - 7+ on Sherman Creek
- Black-crowned Night-Heron - 3 juveniles continue around Sherman Creek

- Cooper's Hawk - 1 juvenile perched on S edge of Sherman Creek near sunset
- Red-tailed Hawk - 1 adult seen at the start & 1 perched on the
northernmost Dyckman House apartment building near sunset

- Ring-billed Gull - 12+
- Herring Gull - 1 near closing time
- Great Black-backed Gull - 2 adults

- Rock Pigeon - 12+
- Mourning Dove - 12 heading towards Swindler Cove Park near sunset

- Red-bellied Woodpecker - 1 male
- Yellow-bellied Sapsucker - 2+
- Downy Woodpecker - Pair (m/f) continues

- Blue Jay - 5+ seen & heard
- American Crow - A group of 7 west of the Harlem River

- Black-capped Chickadee - 6+ seen & heard
- White-breasted Nuthatch - 1 female continues
- Brown Creeper - 1 continues near the bat house installation
- Ruby-crowned Kinglet - 1

- American Robin - 2+

- Northern Mockingbird - 1 continues
- European Starling - 75+

- Yellow-rumped Warbler - 2+

- Song Sparrow - 4+
- Swamp Sparrow - 1 in the salt marsh
- White-throated Sparrow - 6+
- Dark-eyed Junco - 12+

- Red-winged Blackbird - 1 male near the bat house installation

- American Goldfinch - 1 seen & heard

- House Sparrow - 12+


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