NYSOA Launches Searchable Ornithological Data Base

In January the New York State Ornithological 
Association (NYSOA) announced a terrific new 
resource for ornithologists, students, and 
birders. The Kingbird, NYSOA’s quarterly 
ornithological journal, has been in print since 
1950. Now anyone can go online and search a 
database of 57 years of The Kingbird free of 
charge. Being able to find specific information 
quickly with a computer will save researchers the 
countless hours of work that were previously 
necessary when sifting through hundreds of paper issues of The Kingbird.

This unique research and educational resource, 
incorporating 229 issues of the journal, clearly 
demonstrates NYSOA’s commitment to its mission to 
“further the study of bird life and to 
disseminate knowledge thereof.” NYSOA expects 
that the data base will not only serve as a rich 
source of information for studies already 
underway but also stimulate new work on the birds 
of New York State. For birders, it is a treasure 
trove of information that can deepen 
understanding of field observations and 
trends….or simply provide hours of enjoyment or reminiscence.

The archive, which can be found at 
represents a $15,000 investment by NYSOA in the 
future of New York State’s birds. NYSOA 
volunteers spent well over 100 hours working on 
the project. The searchable data base currently 
contains about 8 million words on nearly 16,000 
pages comprising more than 5,200 files. In 
addition, there is an online library of 229 full 
issues and 4 ten-year indices available for 
download or online browsing. Four issues of The 
Kingbird will be added to the archive each year.

With deep gratitude to past members who made 
bequests to NYSOA for educational purposes, and 
to all those who have contributed writings and 
observations to The Kingbird over the years, 
NYSOA encourages all birders and ornithologists 
to explore, utilize, and enjoy the archive. Check 
it out, even if just for fun, and spread word of 
it to others who share your passion for birds.

For more information, contact NYSOA president 
Carena Pooth at <mailto:preside...@nybirds.org>preside...@nybirds.org.

Andrew Mason
1039 Peck St.
Jefferson, NY  12093
(607) 652-2162

NYSbirds-L List Info:

1) http://www.mail-archive.com/nysbirds-l@cornell.edu/maillist.html
2) http://birdingonthe.net/mailinglists/NYSB.html
3) http://www.surfbirds.com/birdingmail/Group/NYSBirds-L

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