There are a number of things that the eBird UI (user interface) doesn't
allow as I feel it is more of a data collector and provider of page views
at the region level and for individual hotspots rather than a place to
interact with the data using the UI on a more detailed level.

To perform functions like this I download data or copy / paste & reformat
pages in Excel. A typical issue is to parse out the Common and Scientific
names which are typically both held in one cell and with differing formats
e.g. sometimes with parentheses surrounding scientific names or sometimes
with nothing at all surrounding them.

Here's a breakdown of 23 checklists:

   - Hotspots (click location name for eBird map):
      - Randalls Island <>
      — 14 lists
      - Randalls Island--NE fields and shoreline
      <> — 5 lists
      - Randalls Island--saltmarsh and backstop 42 vicinity
      <> — 4 lists
   - Personal locations: none

I was interested in the number of species seen on Randall's Island on the
day after the CACKLING GOOSE was reported by Ethan Goodman the previous
evening. Here are the top 15 "rarities" based on the latest data using an
algorithm I built in Excel. Top 5 are highlighted, Fifth and sixth are
Great Cormorant and American Pipit respectively:

   - Brant
   - Cackling Goose
   - Red-breasted Merganser
   - Pied-billed Grebe
   - Great Cormorant
   - Bald Eagle
   - Merlin
   - Common Raven
   - Horned Lark
   - American Pipit
   - Pine Siskin
   - Fox Sparrow
   - Saltmarsh Sparrow
   - Savannah Sparrow
   - Eastern Meadowlark

Here are the species that were seen on only one checklist [highlighted] or
two checklists [marked (2)] out of the 23 checklists submitted by midnight
on Saturday. Needless to say all 23 checklists reported the Cackling Goose.

   - Mute Swan (2)
   - Red-breasted Merganser
   - Pied-billed Grebe
   - Laughing Gull (2)
   - Belted Kingfisher (2)
   - Yellow-bellied Sapsucker (2)
   - Red-bellied Woodpecker (2)
   - Northern Flicker (2)
   - Merlin (2)
   - Common Raven (2)
   - Tufted Titmouse
   - Golden-crowned Kinglet
   - Brown Creeper
   - Gray Catbird
   - Hermit Thrush
   - American Pipit
   - Chipping Sparrow
   - Fox Sparrow (2)
   - White-crowned Sparrow
   - Saltmarsh Sparrow
   - Eastern Meadowlark
   - Common Grackle
   - Palm Warbler (2)

Here are all 64 species in taxonomic order based on 23 checklists:

*Ducks, Geese & Swans*

   1. Brant
   2. Cackling Goose
   3. Canada Goose
   4. Mute Swan
   5. Gadwall
   6. Mallard
   7. Red-breasted Merganser


   - Pied-billed Grebe

*Pigeons & Doves*

   1. Rock Pigeon
   2. Mourning Dove


   1. Laughing Gull
   2. Ring-billed Gull
   3. Herring Gull
   4. Great Black-backed Gull


   1. Great Cormorant
   2. Double-crested Cormorant


   - Great Blue Heron

*Hawks & Eagles*

   1. Cooper's Hawk
   2. Bald Eagle
   3. Red-tailed Hawk


   - Belted Kingfisher

*Woodpeckers & Allies*

   1. Yellow-bellied Sapsucker
   2. Red-bellied Woodpecker
   3. Downy Woodpecker
   4. Northern Flicker


   1. American Kestrel
   2. Merlin
   3. Peregrine Falcon

*Jays & Crows*

   1. Blue Jay
   2. American Crow
   3. Common Raven

*Chickadees & Titmice*

   1. Black-capped Chickadee
   2. Tufted Titmouse


   - Horned Lark


   1. Golden-crowned Kinglet
   2. Ruby-crowned Kinglet


   - Brown Creeper


   - European Starling

*Mockingbirds & Allies*

   1. Gray Catbird
   2. Northern Mockingbird


   1. Hermit Thrush
   2. American Robin

*Old World Sparrows*

   - House Sparrow


   - American Pipit


   1. House Finch
   2. Pine Siskin
   3. American Goldfinch

*New World Sparrows*

   1. Chipping Sparrow
   2. Fox Sparrow
   3. Dark-eyed Junco
   4. White-crowned Sparrow
   5. White-throated Sparrow
   6. Saltmarsh Sparrow
   7. Savannah Sparrow
   8. Song Sparrow
   9. Swamp Sparrow

*Blackbirds & Meadowlarks*

   1. Eastern Meadowlark
   2. Red-winged Blackbird
   3. Brown-headed Cowbird
   4. Common Grackle


   1. Blackpoll Warbler
   2. Palm Warbler
   3. Yellow-rumped Warbler


   - Northern Cardinal

Ben Cacace
Manhattan, NYC


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