Sue and I had been away for three weeks so we embarked on a trip to try to find 
the various shorebird species that we have missed so far this year. Out trip 
started at Heckscher State Park, where our first molting adult American Golden 
Plover was in the puddles at the Field 7 parking lot. A second Golden, an 
immature bird, was at Field 8 with Black-bellied Plovers. Our next stop was the 
County Road Route 51 sod farm, where the highlights were two Hudsonian Godwits 
feeding in the recently tilled portion of the field. The Riverbed farm fields 
were a bust so we headed east to Mecox Inlet. The outlet is now closed off but 
there is still some sandbars available for shorebird feeding. We found another 
Hudsonian Godwit feeding in the shallows, along with two American Golden 
Plovers, White-rumped (1), and Western Sandpipers (1), as well as five species 
of terns, including two CaspianTerns. An additional bonus were two near-shore 
Cory’s Shearwaters, and three Parasitic Jaegers triple-teaming a hapless tern 
that quickly dropped its fish, which terminated the jaeger’s cooperation with 
each other and commenced a free-for-all. Although a good day, no Baird’s or 
Buff-breasted Sandpipers were encountered.

Ken & Sue Feustel


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