Yesterday, Jan. 6, We were invited to a 1 PM dinner at our best friend's home 
in Huntington Station, Suffolk Co. With the blessing of my wife, Ruth Ann, I 
dropped her off at 12:10 PM, after "swearing" I would return by the afore 
mentioned 1 PM ( 5 other guests were expected, and my wife did not want to be 
embarrassed ) As John Mortimer's Horace Rumpole ( of "Rumpole of the Bailey" 
fame ) was heard on occasion to "think/say", "you musn't embarrass she who must 
be obeyed" ! 
I made it to Cold Spring Harbor in 15 minutes, and found a local birder, Dick 
Furman, looking for the duck. After a few minutes, while checking a mixed flock 
of ducks ( scaup & longtail) that had just flown in, we spotted the Tufted 
Duck- a real neat bird ! Coming up after one of it's many dives, the bird's 
trailing head feathers were splayed, giving it an "afro" affect !
 Since 2/17/92, I have seen this specie 7 x on L.I. Only once, on 1/25/93 at 
Mackay's Pond ( Grumman Property ), did I see both male & female together.On 
that occasion, and on one other, my notes indicate that the Tufteds seem to 
dive more than the other species they were with, scaup, long tail, ring-neck, 
etc. Although I was only there a short while, thinking back on it, I think that 
was the case yesterday, as well. If anyone else had the same impression, I 
would welcome hearing about it. 
I arrived back at the Brogan residence a tad late, at 1:03 PM, but with only 
one of the guests being on time, "she who must be obeyed" gave me a "pass" ! 
The dinner ( including my 2nd dessert of the day ) and the company were great, 
Everyone enjoyed hearing about my earlier outing, seeing what the bird looked 
like, and checking the "range map" to find out where it came from. 
Cheers,Bob...P.S. Dick, I didn't get to see the '89 bird.                       

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