Raptor filled 30 minutes at CPP between 7:15 and 7:45 this a.m., not to mention 
a beautiful and fleeting sunrise over the landfill
4 harriers on landfill in one binocular view
1 sharp shinned hawk
1 cooper's hawk
1bald eagle
2 osprey
1 red shouldered hawk (perched low road)
2 black vulture

Then it was time for the ride down the Hudson to work; listening to shuffle on 
the iPhone, coincidently passing Tarrytown, on is Sharon off 1972's Demon in 
Disguise, by Tarrytown's own David Bromberg (with a little help from Garcia).  
I get this epiphany listening to the lyrics that what we really have is a 
carnival barker running for President, who avoided the fairgrounds by being 
born with a silver spoon.
"I was at this carnival, just a few years ago
No big deal, Ferris wheel, the same ol' stuff you know
And I wandered around the grounds until I found this little tent
- man outside made a speech, and this is how it went
"she walks, she talks
She crawls on her belly like a reptile"
It was the same ole line ......"
Alas, "there is no new thing under the sun." Ecclesiastes: 1:9
L. Trachtenberg

Lawrence B. Trachtenberg | 
Aronson Mayefsky & Sloan, LLP
12 E. 49th Street, New York, New York 10017 | T: 212.521.3511 | F: 212.838.5505

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