[nysbirds-l] migration May 7-10, 2016 in Manhattan NYC

2016-05-11 Thread Thomas Fiore

Saturday, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, 7-8-9-10 May, 2016:

Manhattan, N.Y. City -

It was quite the 4 days, with an intensive push of migrants on Sunday,  
8 May, but also many moving &/or lingering on the day prior to then, &  
as well for the 2 days to 10 May.  The highest no. of species was  
found in 1 day, 8 May, and that day also featured what appeared to be  
by far the highest total number of individuals, as well as maxima  
(during the noted 4-day period) for many species thus far this  
spring.  The total no. of species observed (by hundreds of observers  
in total) for Central alone on Sunday 8 May is not exactly known and  
may not ever be, but it was more than 120 species. The no. of species  
in Manhattan in the 4 days from 7-10 May exceeded 150, which is a lot!  
but is not quite that close to record-high no's. in spring migration,  
and there are single-day May-migration species-counts for the location  
which are a bit higher as well from the past century. One massive May  
flight occurred about 20 years ago (region-wide), while there have  
been some others of very great magnitude in more-recent years, as well.

In & over Central Park alone, these birds were seen in the 4-day- 
period, 7 through 10 May, 2016:

Common Loon (fly-overs)
Double-crested Cormorant (fly-overs in the many hundreds, fewer in park)
American Bittern (hundreds of observers, 8 May)
Great Blue Heron (fly-overs)
Great Egret (many fly-overs, max. no's. as always seen in season from  
n. end of park)
Snowy Egret (multiple fly-overs, no's. as always seen in season from  
n. end of park)

Green Heron (multiple, esp. on 8-9 May)
Black-crowned Night-Heron (multiple)
Yellow-crowned Night-Heron (8 & 9 May, first day w/hundreds of  
Glossy Ibis (w.-bound flyover, 9 May, from n. end of park; f. rare for  
park sighting, but almost-annual)

Black Vulture (rare fly-over, 9 May)
Turkey Vulture (several fly-overs, uncommon this late)

Canada Goose (local birds, breeds in C.P. recently)
Atlantic Brant (small no. of fly-overs through period)
Wood Duck (v. long-lingering male)
Gadwall (multiple pairs)
American Black Duck (fly-overs, 9 May)
Blue-winged Teal (2 low fly-bys at reservoir, 8 May)
Bufflehead (lingering & rather late, reservoir)
Ruddy Duck (few lingering to at least 9 May)

Osprey (several fly-overs)
Northern Harrier (fly-overs, uncommon in spring at C.P.)
Sharp-shinned Hawk (fly-overs, 8, 9 May)
Broad-winged Hawk (3, fly-overs, 9 May)
Red-tailed Hawk (local residents)
American Kestrel (local residents)
Peregrine Falcon (local residents)

Greater Yellowlegs (fly-bys, 8, 9 May)
Solitary Sandpiper (9 & 10 May)
Spotted Sandpiper (multiple)
Laughing Gull (few, reservoir & fly-bys)
Ring-billed Gull (limited no's. incl. fly-bys)
Herring Gull (multiple, incl. fly-bys)
Great Black-backed Gull (mainly at reservoir)

Rock Pigeon
Mourning Dove
Black-billed Cuckoo (8, 9, 10 May, several locations)
Yellow-billed Cuckoo (7, 8, 9, 10 May, multiple locations)
Common Nighthawk (eve. fly-bys, 8 & 9 May)
Chuck-will's-widow (8 May, Ramble, many, many observers)
Chimney Swift (multiple)
Ruby-throated Hummingbird (multiple, flight of good proportion for  

Belted Kingfisher (thru period, & more than 2 for 8 & 9 May)
Red-headed Woodpecker (adult, fly-by 9 May, north end, early a.m.)
Red-bellied Woodpecker
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker (at least 2 lingering to 9 May)
Downy Woodpecker
Hairy Woodpecker (1, possible resident)
Yellow-shafted Flicker (very small flight 8 May, plus lingerers/ 

Olive-sided Flycatcher (9 May, Great Hill, n. end of park)
Eastern Wood-Pewee (8-9-10 May; still "few")
Acadian Flycatcher (at least 2 calling, 10 May)
Willow / Alder ["Traill's"] Flycatcher (Empidonax sp., likely of this  

Least Flycatcher (multiple but still small no's., thru period)
Eastern Phoebe (several, not that late & poss. 1 or 2 are lingering)
Great Crested Flycatcher (multiple, esp. 8-9 May)
Eastern Kingbird (multiple including some in a.m. diurnal flight, 8 &  
9 May)

White-eyed Vireo (at least 2, thru 9 May)
Blue-headed Vireo (multiple but being exceeded by Red-eyed & Warbling)
Yellow-throated Vireo (still in multiple, esp. 8 & 9 May)
Warbling Vireo (multiple, many pairs also on breeding territories in  

Red-eyed Vireo (multiple, nearly common by 10 May)
Blue Jay (multiple; nesters too)
American Crow (in small no's.)

Purple Martin (male reported by multiple obs. 7 May, at reservoir &  

Tree Swallow (multiple, flights on 8, 9, & 10 May)
Northern Rough-winged Swallow (multiple, small flight on 8 & 9 May)
Bank Swallow (multiple but modest no's. 7-9 May)
Barn Swallow (massive flight, hundreds thru 8-10 May, incl. many fly- 

Cliff Swallow (several, well-observed at reservoir, 7 & 8 May)

Black-capped Chickadee (few, with a few also still moving on 8 May)
Tufted Titmouse (modest no's.)
Red-breasted Nuthatch (8 May)
White-breasted Nuthatch (few, breeding)
Brown Creeper (rather late, 9 

[nysbirds-l] migration May 7-10, 2016 in Manhattan NYC

2016-05-11 Thread Thomas Fiore

Saturday, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, 7-8-9-10 May, 2016:

Manhattan, N.Y. City -

It was quite the 4 days, with an intensive push of migrants on Sunday,  
8 May, but also many moving &/or lingering on the day prior to then, &  
as well for the 2 days to 10 May.  The highest no. of species was  
found in 1 day, 8 May, and that day also featured what appeared to be  
by far the highest total number of individuals, as well as maxima  
(during the noted 4-day period) for many species thus far this  
spring.  The total no. of species observed (by hundreds of observers  
in total) for Central alone on Sunday 8 May is not exactly known and  
may not ever be, but it was more than 120 species. The no. of species  
in Manhattan in the 4 days from 7-10 May exceeded 150, which is a lot!  
but is not quite that close to record-high no's. in spring migration,  
and there are single-day May-migration species-counts for the location  
which are a bit higher as well from the past century. One massive May  
flight occurred about 20 years ago (region-wide), while there have  
been some others of very great magnitude in more-recent years, as well.

In & over Central Park alone, these birds were seen in the 4-day- 
period, 7 through 10 May, 2016:

Common Loon (fly-overs)
Double-crested Cormorant (fly-overs in the many hundreds, fewer in park)
American Bittern (hundreds of observers, 8 May)
Great Blue Heron (fly-overs)
Great Egret (many fly-overs, max. no's. as always seen in season from  
n. end of park)
Snowy Egret (multiple fly-overs, no's. as always seen in season from  
n. end of park)

Green Heron (multiple, esp. on 8-9 May)
Black-crowned Night-Heron (multiple)
Yellow-crowned Night-Heron (8 & 9 May, first day w/hundreds of  
Glossy Ibis (w.-bound flyover, 9 May, from n. end of park; f. rare for  
park sighting, but almost-annual)

Black Vulture (rare fly-over, 9 May)
Turkey Vulture (several fly-overs, uncommon this late)

Canada Goose (local birds, breeds in C.P. recently)
Atlantic Brant (small no. of fly-overs through period)
Wood Duck (v. long-lingering male)
Gadwall (multiple pairs)
American Black Duck (fly-overs, 9 May)
Blue-winged Teal (2 low fly-bys at reservoir, 8 May)
Bufflehead (lingering & rather late, reservoir)
Ruddy Duck (few lingering to at least 9 May)

Osprey (several fly-overs)
Northern Harrier (fly-overs, uncommon in spring at C.P.)
Sharp-shinned Hawk (fly-overs, 8, 9 May)
Broad-winged Hawk (3, fly-overs, 9 May)
Red-tailed Hawk (local residents)
American Kestrel (local residents)
Peregrine Falcon (local residents)

Greater Yellowlegs (fly-bys, 8, 9 May)
Solitary Sandpiper (9 & 10 May)
Spotted Sandpiper (multiple)
Laughing Gull (few, reservoir & fly-bys)
Ring-billed Gull (limited no's. incl. fly-bys)
Herring Gull (multiple, incl. fly-bys)
Great Black-backed Gull (mainly at reservoir)

Rock Pigeon
Mourning Dove
Black-billed Cuckoo (8, 9, 10 May, several locations)
Yellow-billed Cuckoo (7, 8, 9, 10 May, multiple locations)
Common Nighthawk (eve. fly-bys, 8 & 9 May)
Chuck-will's-widow (8 May, Ramble, many, many observers)
Chimney Swift (multiple)
Ruby-throated Hummingbird (multiple, flight of good proportion for  

Belted Kingfisher (thru period, & more than 2 for 8 & 9 May)
Red-headed Woodpecker (adult, fly-by 9 May, north end, early a.m.)
Red-bellied Woodpecker
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker (at least 2 lingering to 9 May)
Downy Woodpecker
Hairy Woodpecker (1, possible resident)
Yellow-shafted Flicker (very small flight 8 May, plus lingerers/ 

Olive-sided Flycatcher (9 May, Great Hill, n. end of park)
Eastern Wood-Pewee (8-9-10 May; still "few")
Acadian Flycatcher (at least 2 calling, 10 May)
Willow / Alder ["Traill's"] Flycatcher (Empidonax sp., likely of this  

Least Flycatcher (multiple but still small no's., thru period)
Eastern Phoebe (several, not that late & poss. 1 or 2 are lingering)
Great Crested Flycatcher (multiple, esp. 8-9 May)
Eastern Kingbird (multiple including some in a.m. diurnal flight, 8 &  
9 May)

White-eyed Vireo (at least 2, thru 9 May)
Blue-headed Vireo (multiple but being exceeded by Red-eyed & Warbling)
Yellow-throated Vireo (still in multiple, esp. 8 & 9 May)
Warbling Vireo (multiple, many pairs also on breeding territories in  

Red-eyed Vireo (multiple, nearly common by 10 May)
Blue Jay (multiple; nesters too)
American Crow (in small no's.)

Purple Martin (male reported by multiple obs. 7 May, at reservoir &  

Tree Swallow (multiple, flights on 8, 9, & 10 May)
Northern Rough-winged Swallow (multiple, small flight on 8 & 9 May)
Bank Swallow (multiple but modest no's. 7-9 May)
Barn Swallow (massive flight, hundreds thru 8-10 May, incl. many fly- 

Cliff Swallow (several, well-observed at reservoir, 7 & 8 May)

Black-capped Chickadee (few, with a few also still moving on 8 May)
Tufted Titmouse (modest no's.)
Red-breasted Nuthatch (8 May)
White-breasted Nuthatch (few, breeding)
Brown Creeper (rather late, 9