[nysbirds-l] Central Park, NYC - Sat., 4/23 - Gr. Cr. Flyc., W.-e. Vireo, B. Oriole, 14+ Warbler spp., etc.

2022-04-24 Thread Tom Fiore
Central Park, Manhattan, N.Y. City - Sat., April 23 (additional species / 
photographed arrivals) - thanks to many, many observers for a lot of great 
Very much worth mention, Wood Thrush was reliably seen at Central Park’s n. end 
as of Friday, 4/22.
On Saturday, 4/23, various photographed (and viewed by multiple observers) 
recently arrived migrants included ongoing Great Crested Flycatcher, ongoing 
White-eyed Vireo, and bright male Baltimore Oriole.  Later in the day Sat., the 
now-long lingering male Prothonotary Warbler had moved back over to the “Loch” 
(a.k.a. the “Ravine” area) as it had on some prior days of its week+ stay at 
Central’s n. end.  It might be sought around any of that north end’s several 
water bodies, in case it continues.
As many as 15 Warbler species were reported from Central Park alone on 
Saturday, that includes at least one report of Yellow-throated Warbler in the 
Ramble area, which in this reporter’s humble opinion ought be added to the 
day’s list of this group, the American warblers.  It is even possible that the 
latter species had continued on for many days undetected as it roamed about in 
that general sector of that park, the more so if a female, non-singing 
individual - that species has sometimes stayed on at that park for many weeks, 
and with the fresh flushes of many other (some very colorful and crowd-drawing) 
migrants, one little warbler, esp. one which likes to forage high in budding 
trees, can be overlooked a bit.
The male-plumaged Hooded Warbler by the west side of the park, north of W. 81 
Street on Saturday is another fully-reliable report. Some other warbler species 
on Saturday in the Ramble area and vicinity and/or south of there included 
Blue-winged Warbler, Nashville Warbler (within the Ramble), N. Parula, Ovenbird,
Yellow Warblers & Black-throated Green Warblers.  At Central Park’s n. end (at 
least), also areas north of the C.P. reservoir more generally, included Common 
Yellowthroat, Prairie Warbler, and N. Waterthrush (with a reminder that 
Northern, esp., of the 2 waterthrush spp., can and will show on passage in 
sites that may have no nearby water, as well as by even the smallest of puddles 
and so forth).  Louisiana Waterthrush seems less-likely to be found for any 
length of time on migration away from water, and seems strongly-attracted to 
flowing water and adjacent edges, as is its breeding preference.
And some of the more-often reported warblers of recent weeks or less have been 
in the many-multiple, particularly so when widening the migratory passage 
spectacle even to just (relatively small) New York County, which is where 
Central Park -with Manhattan Island- is located.  Yellow-rumped/Myrtle Warblers 
as is typical the most numerous of April-arriving warblers and many pass 
somewhat unnoticed in early morning (including pre-sunrise!) flights. The 
latter still not into its full arrivals & passage here yet, which can involve 
near-uncountable numbers at one time.  We are still receiving bright male Pine 
Warblers (in New York County) on passage and that is among those which can be 
tougher to find here after about May 1.
Chimney Swifts have been noted in modestly-increased numbers. That species can 
be a good ‘signal’ component of a strong fresh arrival in spring migration (of 
many other neotropical-wintering migrants) when many are being found.  We are 
still having good ongoing sightings of sparrow diversity; among species of 
those to *watch out for* is Clay-colored, given that species increase and 
expansion in the larger northeast region. And as with so many spring birds, 
also good to listen-out for in distinguishing various less-common species along 
with all the other vocalizing birds now.
Good birding to all,
Tom Fiore
N.Y. City


NYSbirds-L List Info:

1) http://www.mail-archive.com/nysbirds-l@cornell.edu/maillist.html
2) http://www.surfbirds.com/birdingmail/Group/NYSBirds-L
3) http://birding.aba.org/maillist/NY01

Please submit your observations to eBird:


[nysbirds-l] Central Park, NYC - Sat., 4/23 - Gr. Cr. Flyc., W.-e. Vireo, B. Oriole, 14+ Warbler spp., etc.

2022-04-24 Thread Tom Fiore
Central Park, Manhattan, N.Y. City - Sat., April 23 (additional species / 
photographed arrivals) - thanks to many, many observers for a lot of great 
Very much worth mention, Wood Thrush was reliably seen at Central Park’s n. end 
as of Friday, 4/22.
On Saturday, 4/23, various photographed (and viewed by multiple observers) 
recently arrived migrants included ongoing Great Crested Flycatcher, ongoing 
White-eyed Vireo, and bright male Baltimore Oriole.  Later in the day Sat., the 
now-long lingering male Prothonotary Warbler had moved back over to the “Loch” 
(a.k.a. the “Ravine” area) as it had on some prior days of its week+ stay at 
Central’s n. end.  It might be sought around any of that north end’s several 
water bodies, in case it continues.
As many as 15 Warbler species were reported from Central Park alone on 
Saturday, that includes at least one report of Yellow-throated Warbler in the 
Ramble area, which in this reporter’s humble opinion ought be added to the 
day’s list of this group, the American warblers.  It is even possible that the 
latter species had continued on for many days undetected as it roamed about in 
that general sector of that park, the more so if a female, non-singing 
individual - that species has sometimes stayed on at that park for many weeks, 
and with the fresh flushes of many other (some very colorful and crowd-drawing) 
migrants, one little warbler, esp. one which likes to forage high in budding 
trees, can be overlooked a bit.
The male-plumaged Hooded Warbler by the west side of the park, north of W. 81 
Street on Saturday is another fully-reliable report. Some other warbler species 
on Saturday in the Ramble area and vicinity and/or south of there included 
Blue-winged Warbler, Nashville Warbler (within the Ramble), N. Parula, Ovenbird,
Yellow Warblers & Black-throated Green Warblers.  At Central Park’s n. end (at 
least), also areas north of the C.P. reservoir more generally, included Common 
Yellowthroat, Prairie Warbler, and N. Waterthrush (with a reminder that 
Northern, esp., of the 2 waterthrush spp., can and will show on passage in 
sites that may have no nearby water, as well as by even the smallest of puddles 
and so forth).  Louisiana Waterthrush seems less-likely to be found for any 
length of time on migration away from water, and seems strongly-attracted to 
flowing water and adjacent edges, as is its breeding preference.
And some of the more-often reported warblers of recent weeks or less have been 
in the many-multiple, particularly so when widening the migratory passage 
spectacle even to just (relatively small) New York County, which is where 
Central Park -with Manhattan Island- is located.  Yellow-rumped/Myrtle Warblers 
as is typical the most numerous of April-arriving warblers and many pass 
somewhat unnoticed in early morning (including pre-sunrise!) flights. The 
latter still not into its full arrivals & passage here yet, which can involve 
near-uncountable numbers at one time.  We are still receiving bright male Pine 
Warblers (in New York County) on passage and that is among those which can be 
tougher to find here after about May 1.
Chimney Swifts have been noted in modestly-increased numbers. That species can 
be a good ‘signal’ component of a strong fresh arrival in spring migration (of 
many other neotropical-wintering migrants) when many are being found.  We are 
still having good ongoing sightings of sparrow diversity; among species of 
those to *watch out for* is Clay-colored, given that species increase and 
expansion in the larger northeast region. And as with so many spring birds, 
also good to listen-out for in distinguishing various less-common species along 
with all the other vocalizing birds now.
Good birding to all,
Tom Fiore
N.Y. City


NYSbirds-L List Info:

1) http://www.mail-archive.com/nysbirds-l@cornell.edu/maillist.html
2) http://www.surfbirds.com/birdingmail/Group/NYSBirds-L
3) http://birding.aba.org/maillist/NY01

Please submit your observations to eBird:
