Saturday, 25 April - 

At Central Park (Manhattan, N.Y. City) a Grasshopper Sparrow was again present 
in same area as on 4/23-24, so-called “sparrow rock”, a set of small lawns with 
fairly flat bedrock outcrops, immediately east of the park’s West Drive, near 
W. 83rd to 84th Sts.; this area can be frequented by off-leash dogs, which 
means that sparrows may flush, however they also continue to feed in that area. 

Some of the new arrivals included Warbling Vireo - singing from areas where 
they have nested in the park over many years, Indigo Bunting (‘new' to at least 
Central Park) and Orchard Oriole, a first-year male in one area in the north 
woods, plus other species seen minimally already in Manhattan such as a number 
of Northern Parulas, Black-throated Green and Black-and-white Warblers, and (a 
few) Rose-breasted Grosbeaks.  

The proliferation of Eastern Towhee continues in multiple parks, not least 
certainly of Central Park, where some sections had a dozen or even more, 
totaling a rather remarkable supply of this species, the vast majority of which 
will move on at some point.   In many areas of Central Park, migrants & other 
species were in full song by & even before sunrise, despite a cool start to an 
otherwise (much-welcomed) sunny & milder day.  An interesting observation was 
that of Brown Thrasher singing some ‘anticipatory mimicking’ phrases, with 
species being mimicked that have yet to arrive in Manhattan. I looked for but 
failed to find a Red-headed Woodpecker in ‘usual’ 6-months-long site in Central 
Park; however some additional looks-attempts will be made.

Plenty more migrants & some lingerers, to be detailed in a more thorough report 
at a later date.  Please use proper spatial / social-distancing while this 
state & its largest city are still in a very serious situation regarding the 
viral pandemic. 

Good, spatially-safe birding - Stay the Course.

Tom Fiore

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