A thank-you to those among New York’s many 'first-responders', and a lot of 
other good people as well, who are voluntarily making time to go to the 
Caribbean islands so terribly affected by the latest mega-storm, & the 
preceding one as well… And, for the many more who are sending what they can on, 
to those in need.   On Puerto Rico (a U.S. territory), and in so many other 
places, that help is dearly needed, and deeply appreciated.  Additionally to 
any who may be helping in any way they can with the people of Mexico who are 
dealing with a major earthquake’s aftermath in the heart of that nation. We in 
NY share a lot in that so many here have deep connection with these regions and 
nations, and of course as a part of our nation with Puerto Rico & the U.S. 
Virgin Islands. All of these affected places and peoples are close to us, with 
so many citizens right here having direct ties to the Caribbean and 
central-American region.  The small island of Dominica which received the full 
fury of storm “Maria” is also among the devastated, & that island is among 
those with fully endemic species (found nowhere else on planet Earth - as is 
also true of many, if not most, Caribbean islands of any size.)  Unique birds 
are among these endemic species.  We still don’t know what course “Maria”, a 
very powerful storm, could end up on as it eventually moves north; we in NY 
were very fortunate in not taking a direct hit at high strength from 
still-active (but downgraded storm) “Jose”.  It is a time to revitalize all of 
the efforts to contain human-influenced climate-change. It will be this 
generation, above all, who make choices that determine the life of planet 
Earth's foreseeable future.
. . . . .

Central Park, & other parks in shorter visits, in Manhattan, N.Y. City
Tuesday, Wednesday and (esp.) Thursday, 19 - 20 - 21 September, 2017

Potentially* first-of-season-in-Central (or Manhattan) species by Thursday 
were:  Pied-billed Grebe, Ruddy Duck, Golden-crowned Kinglet, Dark-eyed Junco.  
(*However, the appellation First Of Season, or FOS, FOY for Year, etc. in a 
hyper-birded place such as Central Park, or even all Manhattan, is a bit 
‘precious', as there will often, if not almost-always, be an observation that 
pre-datesnthe one[s] being promoted as a “1st-of.”  In the case of genuinely 
rare species, which, guess what, are - genuinely rare! - there may be a better 
chance to delineate a true first-of (the day, the hour, the second, or maybe, 
of a season or a year); thus it also is understood that most “FOS” really refer 
to that obs. or reporter’s or group’s 1st-of-anything, which is of note for 
them, & possibly, for a wider audience as well.

A Virginia Rail was found Thursday (9/21) in Bryant Park (midtown Manhattan 
south of 42nd Street), and in uncertain condition, was taken directly to the 
Wild Bird Fund, Manhattan for a rehab./check, brought there by the executive 
director of NY City Audubon (NYCAS), hopefully a bird which can be released 
into a much safer space, for a wetlands-requiring rail. The rail was 
photographed & e-Birded in a report as well.  Staff at Bryant Park were 
on-the-ball also, with the initial discovery at the edge of this extremely busy 
& packed-with human activities urban park.

(Missing from the last report on Central Park migrants was that of 
White-crowned Sparrow, seen Monday Sept. 18th, at the north end of the park; in 
addition there were multiple White-throated Sparrows in more than a few 
locations in the park by then; and thru the next 3 days, White-throated 
Sparrows became more evident, in multiple areas of the park.)

Tues., 9/19 - the numbers were better than they at first seemed would be, esp. 
for warbler variety.  In areas that included modest patches of activity in the 
north end, the far SE end, and esp. the west side in the upper 60’s - 70’s, and 
all of the 80’s streets, to at least W. 86th street’s “latitude” (Central is a 
long rectangle, with the long axis roughly south / north, and very roughly 
divided in two portions by the large reservoir body of water that nearly takes 
up all its width, in the central part of the park, even if centered a bit more 
to the park’s north than the south end) - there were good numbers & rather good 
variety for the date, of warblers & of some other kinds of migrants. It also 
was good in part relative to expectations, since my own expectations were 
pretty low as the day dawned, for Central Park & for fresh migration there. 
Some of the birds were assuredly ones that had been there, but some seemed 
freshly-arrived, indicated by both behavior in the early morning, & by ratios 
of adults, sexes, & make-up of species-variety & numbers.  A slightly late 
Worm-eating Warbler was present at the Gill, in the Ramble quite late in the 
day. At least 17 additional species of warblers were still to be found, & some 
again in fair numbers:  N. Parula, American Redstart, Ovenbird, & Common 
Yellowthroat.  Also in moderate no’s. were Pine & Palm Warblers (the latter of 
both “yellow” & “western” forms) as well as Black-throated Blue Warbler.

Wed., 9/20 - At least 2 Connecticut Warblers made appearances in the park, from 
reports, one at the northwest sector of the park, the other in the 
southeastern.  Specifically, on the Great Hill, & in the Hallett Sanctuary, 
respectively.  Each was presumed a young (first-year) bird, & possibly, each 
also female.  Overall, it seemed that fewer of almost all migrants were to be 
found in Central on Wed., however there was still moderate diversity & rather 
small numbers of individuals, for most migrant species.

Thursday, 9/21 - An entirely new arrival & set of migrants for this overnight, 
after winds returned to more gentle speed, and became more northerly, rather 
than with an easterly component. A fairly strong morning flight was evident; in 
a number of species & species-groups such as: Chimney Swift, Yellow-shafted 
Flicker, Yellow-bellied Sapsucker, Eastern Phoebe, Blue-headed Vireo, 
Swainson’s Thrush, Gray Catbird, Brown Thrasher, Cedar Waxwings, & various 
warblers, possibly led by Palm (mainly of the “yellow”/“eastern” form), as well 
as Pine, Yellow-rumped (modest no’s., of the Myrtle form, of course), Northern 
Parula, Black-throated Green, and Common Yellowthroat; Scarlet Tanager, 
Rose-breasted Grosbeak, Indigo Bunting, & above all, members of the sparrow 
tribe: Eastern Towhee, & at least 9 additional, with obvious fresh no’s. of 
White-throated Sparrow, & also: Chipping, Field, Savannah, Song (mainly just 
local-breeders of the latter), Swamp, White-crowned, a report of Clay-colored 
at Falconer Hill area, & White-crowned, plus Dark-eyed (Slate-colored) Junco, 
the latter in the mulltiple (though not too many, yet); additionally, Baltimore 
Oriole as well as (a few) Bobolink in flight, Red-winged Blackbird, Rusty 
Blackbird, and Brown-headed Cowbird, & rounding off the passerines, a Purple 
Finch, with modest no’s. of American Goldfinch.

I made a quick run ‘downtown’ for a look around City Hall Park, lower 
Manhattan, & a couple of adjacent sites, but found them very quiet for migrants 
this Thursday noon; also, a stop at busy Bryant Park, at 42nd Street & 
mid-Manhattan was fairly slow, bird-wise, although a few sparrows, including at 
least one Lincoln’s, & several White-throated, were there in addition to a bare 
minimum of a couple Common Yellowthroats, & an Ovenbird.  These were rapid 
visits, though, & I was back into Central Park’s s. end & other areas, less 
than 90 minutes after having left the downtown parts of Manhattan island.

the bird list below is mainly from just Thursday!  (it may also be noted, this 
is not at all ‘exceptional’, it is a fairly standard arrival of expected 
migrants, after a night conducive again to migration, locally. Very few of the 
species found, or numbers of, are unusual in the slightest. That is, a normal 
migration on or about just this date. It was a bigger push than for the last 
few weeks drop-in, at Central Park; also a fair number of these birds may stay 
a while, & be supplemented in the next several days by additional migration, on 
very favorable conditions.)  Total of 10 hours in Central, plus 1 in down- & 
mid-town areas of Manhattan by me.  Many other observers also all around 
Central & as is typical, esp. in The Ramble & its vicinity.  [N.B.. the warbler 
diversity was still quite good into and esp. on Thursday - 25 species of 
warblers were seen in the 3-day period (9/19-20-21), with only Mourning being 
in question, or simply not seen by me at all, but reported w/details.

Tues., Wed. & (esp.) Thursday, Sept. 19, 20, 21st (mainly Central Pk.)

Common Loon (single fly-overs noted on Wed. & Thurs., by 7:30 a.m.)
Pied-billed Grebe (reservoir, Thursday 9/21, in n. sector)
Double-crested Cormorant (daily, esp. evident at reservoir)
Great Blue Heron (2 fly-overs, Thursday, n. end)
Great Egret (several fly-overs, n. end, & 1 ongoing at The Pool, daily)
Black-crowned Night-Heron (early mornings at reservoir, & lake)
Canada Goose
Wood Duck (2 drakes, 1 hen)
Gadwall (multiple locations)
American Black Duck (few)
Northern Shoveler (few at Meer & Reservoir, daily)
Green-winged Teal (female or young male, reservoir, Thurs.)
Ruddy Duck (single forlorn & not-great-looking, Meer, Thurs.)
Osprey (few, daily)
Sharp-shinned Hawk (few, including 1 or more hunting in park)
Red-tailed Hawk (city-resident locals)
American Kestrel (mainly locals likely seen, though now a peak in migrators)
Merlin (several sightings, incl. one hunting in park’s s. sections)
Peregrine Falcon (city-resident local seen)
Solitary Sandpiper (Tues. 9/19, reservoir)
Spotted Sandpiper (Tues, Wed., reservoir - looked for & not seen on Thurs.)
Laughing Gull (few, daily at reservoir; at least 3 adults w/hoods present 
Thurs., reservoir dike)
Ring-billed Gull (many, daily at esp. reservoir)
[American] Herring Gull (common, esp. at reservoir)
Great Black-backed Gull (common mainly at reservoir)
['feral'] Rock Pigeon
Mourning Dove
Yellow-billed Cuckoo (to Thursday, in north woods, a.m.)
Chimney Swift (modest flight of 40++, Thursday)
Ruby-throated Hummingbird (daily, multiple locations, & a few seen migrating 
Red-bellied Woodpecker
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker (8+ seen in 1/2 hour of first-light, Thursday; & some 
others also)
Downy Woodpecker (residents)
Yellow-shafted Flicker (150+++, Thursday morning flight, this likely a severe 
Eastern Wood-Pewee (few, but present into Thursday)
Empidonax [genus] Flycatcher (one I thought to be a Least, not vocal when seen, 
Hallett S.)
Eastern Phoebe (fair arrival of more, 15+++ in a.m. Thursday, ongoing as well 
in small no’s.)
Great Crested Flycatcher (several to Thursday, N. end & Ramble areas)
Eastern Kingbird (1, early Thursday, in southwest-bound flight, modestly late 
Blue-headed Vireo (small numbers early, then not seen in rest of day in areas I 
was looking - Thurs.)
Yellow-throated Vireo (n. end, to Thursday)
Warbling Vireo (few, but more than 5, thru Thursday)
Philadelphia Vireo (1, w. side of Great Hill, Thursday, early)
Red-eyed Vireo (multiple, 40++ on Thursday morning)
Blue Jay (daily, fairly common)
American Crow (daily)
Barn Swallow (few, fly-overs)
Tufted Titmouse (few)
White-breasted Nuthatch (daily)
Carolina Wren (several locations)
House Wren (25++, on Thursday)
Winter Wren (few, into Thursday)
Golden-crowned Kinglet (at least 3 in n. end, others also reported, all 
Ruby-crowned Kinglet (50+, Thursday)
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher (1, north woods, Thursday)
Veery (1 definitively on Thursday, getting a bit late)
Gray-cheeked Thrush (several of this type, and my assumption is, this species)
Bicknell's Thrush (potentially also in the mix w/some of the gray-cheeked types 
now coming through)
Swainson's Thrush (150+++, a good flight of these, found in every area in 
Central Park, esp. obvious where many fruits available)
Hermit Thrush (at least 1 definitively, and maybe a few others suspected but 
not seen thoroughly enough nor heard calling)
Wood Thrush (at least 5, north woods to s. end, on Thursday)
American Robin (common)
Gray Catbird (200+++, a nice fresh arrival flight for Thursday)
Northern Mockingbird (widespread)
Brown Thrasher (15+, a few in most areas of the park Thursday, with up to 3 or 
4 at a time in some morning locations; also, one at City Hall Park, lower 
Manhattan, 11:30 a.m. Thursday)
European Starling
Cedar Waxwing (200+, many in modest or small flocks in a.m., & some still 
moving to early afternoon, headed or at least drifting south in the park)

Blue-winged Warbler (1, late-ish, north woods, Thursday; also a few reports of 
others in other areas in Central)
Tennessee Warbler (few, several locations, to Thursday)
Nashville Warbler (several locations Thursday)
Northern Parula (40+++, although already numerous, a definite additional push 
thru Thursday)
Yellow Warbler (2, n. end around the Meer, & The Pool, Thursday)
Chestnut-sided Warbler (multiple, to Thursday, but not very many)
Magnolia Warbler (25+, Thursday, including a small no. in early & very low 
flight, at north end)
Cape May Warbler (3, plus a couple of add’l. reports, Thursday)
Black-throated Blue Warbler (30+++, a good fresh arrival on Thursday, incl. 
multiple adult males)
Yellow-rumped [Myrtle] Warbler (possibly up to 30+ in flight & on the move, 
early-early Thursday, & a few later in n. end; not found later still in s. half 
of park - ?)
Black-throated Green Warbler (10+, incl. several adult males, Thursday)
Pine Warbler (6+ in nearly as many locations, incl. in Hallett Sanctuary)
Palm Warbler (60+++, including some in early movement, but still many dozens to 
late afternoon, many areas in park, most evident in the northern third Thurs.)
Bay-breasted Warbler (several, daily but more evident on Thursday, in at least 
3 locations then)
Blackpoll Warbler (relatively few, but 5+ to Thursday)
Black-and-white Warbler (daily, but then 15+++ on Thursday)
American Redstart (now more scarce, but still 12+ Thursday, & poss. a few in 
early flight as well)
Worm-eating Warbler (1, a tad late, but not at all unprecedented now, in n. 
woods south of the Blockhouse, 8 a.m. Thursday)
Ovenbird (20+++ Thursday, also seen in City Hall Park and in Bryant Park in 
lower & midtown Manhattan- also on Thursday)
Northern Waterthrush (8++, with more than several also in flight, early 
Thursday at n. end; & mult. locations later in the day)
Connecticut Warbler (2 reported on Wed., 9/20, 1 of them in Hallett Sanctuary 
w/phone-photos shown to me, 1st-fall female)
Mourning Warbler (a few reports in scattered locations but I did not come up 
with in past 3 days, getting moderately late now)
Common Yellowthroat (60+++, but that may be too low, it seemed more widespread 
than even the many Palms on Thursday)
Hooded Warbler (several to at least Wed. & a few word-of-mouth reports for 
Wilson's Warbler (2, n. end, to Thursday)
Canada Warbler (1, Hallett Sanctuary, Thursday)

Scarlet Tanager (15+++ Thursday, sometimes several in 1 location at once)
Eastern Towhee (still few, mostly males so far)
Chipping Sparrow (25++, as of Thursday)
Field Sparrow (Thursday)
Savannah Sparrow (cont. into Thursday)
Song Sparrow (still just breeding-locals around Central)
Lincoln's Sparrow (10++, a good fresh arrival, many loc’s. in Central, & also 
in Bryant Park in midtown Manhattan noon-hour, Thursday)
Swamp Sparrow (15+ as of Thursday)
White-throated Sparrow (100+++, by Thursday, w/some in nearly all corners of 
Central Park, also a few in City Hall Park, & Bryant Park)
White-crowned Sparrow (8+ by Thursday, esp. in north end areas, & mostly 
first-fall, but 1 or 2 adults also; also seen previously in n. end)
Dark-eyed Junco (small no’s. in n. end, & reported elsewhere, also in small 
no’s. - it is not early for a few in this area)
Northern Cardinal (common resident)
Rose-breasted Grosbeak (40+, incl. a few adult males with rather bright 
plumage, but most not at all; in all parts of the park by Thursday)
Indigo Bunting (3 noted in n. end of park Thursday, not seen by me later in 
south 2/3 of the park)
Bobolink (multiple in early flight, Thursday, n. end, now getting a bit late)
Red-winged Blackbird (very modest no. on the move, at first light, also some 
scattered loc. later, Thursday)
Common Grackle
Brown-headed Cowbird (small movement, early, and a few later in various areas 
Baltimore Oriole (12+ by Thursday, also present in small no’s. on earlier days, 
a few seen in early movement as well on Thurs.)
House Finch
American Goldfinch (slight increase on Thursday, but have been present thru 
this week)
House Sparrow (pestiferous & too-ubiquitous in Central & almost everywhere, in 

Thanks to those birding ethically, quietly, and with genuine respect to the 
good of the migrant[s] -& all other- birds, & all wildlife,

Tom Fiore


NYSbirds-L List Info:

1) http://www.mail-archive.com/nysbirds-l@cornell.edu/maillist.html
2) http://www.surfbirds.com/birdingmail/Group/NYSBirds-L
3) http://birding.aba.org/maillist/NY01

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