Central Park NYC
Tuesday, April 24, 2018
OBS: Robert DeCandido, PhD, m.ob. 

Highlights:Eastern Kingbird, Red-throated Loon, Palm & Yellow-rumped Warblers, 
Field Sparrows. 

Canada Goose - not many (Reservoir, Lake & Turtle Pond)
Northern Shoveler - male Reservoir
Mallard - not many (2 Turtle Pond, others on Lake & Reservoir)
Bufflehead - dozen Reservoir
Ruddy Duck - around 15 Reservoir
Mourning Dove
Herring Gull - around 50 Reservoir
Great Black-backed Gull - 2 Reservoir
Red-throated Loon - Reservoir (continuing bird)
Red-tailed Hawk - perched near Central Park West & 81st Street mobbed by Blue 
Red-bellied Woodpecker - residents
Downy Woodpecker - residents
Northern Flicker - lower numbers than on Monday
Eastern Kingbird - Turtle Pond
Blue Jay - around 20
Barn Swallow - 2 Reservoir
Tufted Titmouse - 2 heard (2 locations in the Ramble)
Ruby-crowned Kinglet - 5
Hermit Thrush - 3
American Robin - residents
Cedar Waxwing - flock of 13 feeding on elm seeds at Upper Lobe
House Finch - 8 feeders
American Goldfinch - a dozen at feeders
Eastern Towhee - 6
Chipping Sparrow - 4
Field Sparrow - 2 Sparrow Rock
Song Sparrow - Turtle Pond
White-throated Sparrow - around 30
Dark-eyed Junco - male at the Oven
Red-winged Blackbird - around 20 all males
Brown-headed Cowbird - female SW Reservoir
Common Grackle - 10
Palm Warbler - 6 ("Yellow")
Yellow-rumped Warbler - 20  ("Myrtle") various locations
Northern Cardinal - residents

Sandra Critelli reported 3 Black-crowned Night-Herons at the Pond.

Emilie Storrs tweeted a Black-and-white Warbler at the Pond this afternoon.

Bruno Boni tweeted an Ovenbird at the Oven and a Blue-headed Vireo and 
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher at the Point this morning.

Jordan Spindel tweeted a Summer Tanager at the SW Reservoir, a bird that was 
also seen at the NW Reservoir by Adam Caldera this morning. Jordan, a.k.a. 
@Meanteenbirder, also reported a Blue Grosbeak (Wildflower Meadow) and male 
Common Yellowthroat (Nutter's Battery) this afternoon

A Virginia Rail reported at the Ravine yesterday (4/23) via twitter 
@BirdCentralPark was NOT refound. However, on the plus side, a more cooperative 
Marsh Wren was discovered at the Ravine and tweeted by Kyu Lee this morning. 

Virginia Rails nest in fresh-water marshes and have been known to forage in wet 
meadows, so a check of the Wildflower Meadow tomorrow might produce the rail if 
it is still around. 

Deb Allen
Follow us on twitter @BirdingBobNYC & @DAllenNYC


NYSbirds-L List Info:

1) http://www.mail-archive.com/nysbirds-l@cornell.edu/maillist.html
2) http://www.surfbirds.com/birdingmail/Group/NYSBirds-L
3) http://birding.aba.org/maillist/NY01

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