The previously reported Golden-wings can still be found at Ironwood Road, 
Orange County, but it is not easy.
The parking lot is here:  41.234666, -74.237770

I visited on May 29 and May 30.  I talked to a number of other birders.
One can walk both north and south along the power lines.  Going north, however, 
means you have to walk up a quite steep hill.  I passed on that.  Someone said 
if you do that and go half a mile you could find a Brewster's.
Going south, on the 29th a Golden-wing was reported here:  41.233091, 
-74.237365.  That is just slightly south of the apartments, which you can see.  
I didn't see or hear anything there.
The best spot I found was a bit farther south.  After going up over the first 
rocky hill, continue down hill a hundred fifty yards or so to a wet low area 
41.230688, -74.236466.  There are a lot of dead bushes or small trees. I found 
a Golden-wing apparently mated to a Blue-winged here, on the right.  The 
Golden-winged was singing a Blue-winged song.  I took two poor photos that I 
will post to the New York Birder's Facebook page.
I also heard a Blue-winged song close to the parking lot here: 41.234409, 
Get there early.  The birds have become secretive.  There are also Prairie and 
Yellow warblers around. 

I saw no sign of bears, but I did encounter two enormous snapping turtles at 
the start of the trail today.  Almost stepped on one.
Bob LewisSleepy Hollow NY


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