A productive seawatch from Robert Moses SP, Suffolk, LI, yesterday afternoon 
stirred lots of anticipation for this morning's storm. Under good viewing 
conditions yesterday I had jaegers in view at all times, a good study of a 
rare-from-land Pomarine attacking a Parasitic, 8 juvenile Black-legged 
Kittiwakes, and at least 600 Bonaparte's Gulls.


This morning, the conditions at RMSP were abysmal, with heavy rain and very 
poor visibility. Our team, led by Pete Morris, Taylor Sturm, and Tim Healy, 
managed a handful of jaegers and two Kittiwakes, but overall it was quite a 
gloomy experience. We saw a Northern Harrier come in off the ocean at 8:30 that 
might not have survived had the wind bearing been a few more degrees north of 
east, and Sue Feustel noticed a living passerine being tumbled along the 
pavement by the wind. I ran out and found it to be a gasping, sodden Phoebe, 
still alive. I put it in the shelter of the car, but it didn't make it.

Standing in the lots were six species of gulls, including 6 Bonaparte's and 22 
Lesser Black-backs, as well as 7 Dunlin, a Semipalmated Sandpiper, and a 
Greater Yellowlegs.

Further west, Doug Gochfeld, Sean Sime, and Peter Paul had less rain at Riis 
Park and saw quite a bit more than we did, but mostly along the same lines. A 
probable Black Tern there was quite notable for the date.

Shai Mitra
Bay Shore


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3) http://birding.aba.org/maillist/NY01

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