Manhattan, N.Y. City
Friday-Wednesday, 14-19 Sept., 2018 

Friday, 9/14 featured migrant-turnover, with some birds having moved on, and 
fresh batches of some migrants.  Palm Warblers started appearing in the 
multiple, but scattered & mostly as singletons or two at a time, per each 

Sat. 9/15, a Yellow-breasted Chat was enjoyed by a number of birders at the 
Loch, in Central Park’s n. end.  Some high numbers for Red-breasted Nuthatches 
with at least 20 for all of the park; less noticed & also in more modest 
numbers were Purple Finches.  The day was a good one for Ospreys, particularly 
along the Hudson, as seen from Riverside Park with up to a dozen in just 90 
minutes of watching 

Sun. 9/16 - despite seeming less-than-ideal wind flow & direction, at least 161 
BW Hawks were counted moving over northernmost Manhattan in the 12:30 - 2:30 pm 
hours. Also moving in some numbers were Ospreys, Sharp-shinned Hawks & American 
Kestrels.  That evening, at least one dozen Common Nighthawks were seen, from 
several locations and a couple also were found roosting in Central Park, where 
the most in the eve. were noted, others being seen (in flight, after 6 p.m.) 
from along Riverside Drive, north of 125 St.  A Yellow-bellied Sapsucker was 
found on the Inwood Hill Park bio-blitz.

Mon. 9/17 - a day to seek out migrants in some smaller parks. At least modest 
variety was found in some, including parks in lower and downtown Manhattan. At 
Central Park, the only birds in some numbers seemed to be Yellow-shafted 
Flickers & (overhead) Chimney Swifts, although with a bit of effort, various 
other species were also around, but in very modest diversity & number. A 
Worm-eating Warbler continued in Washington Square Park, seen for several days 
& still present; first found by S. Gee; Blackburnian Warbler at Union Square 
Park, with another seen in the Ramble of Central Park. Various more common 
migrants in many other smaller greenspaces in lower Manhattan.

Tues. 9/18 - in spite of some drizzles & showers, I made a looping visit to 
many lower & mid - Manhattan parks & greenspaces; many were relatively quiet 
for migrants, and some of the species noted above were not found again by me; 
one small highlight at Chelsea Piers area, on the Hudson just n. of W. 23rd St. 
was a 1st-fall Mourning Warbler, not far north of a ‘Fresh & Co.’ cafe in dense 
shrub & flower plantings. (also in that park were at least 4 Common 
Yellowthroats, none of them adult males); a bit farther south on the Hudson 
river greenway, there was a Northern Waterthrush, & at least a few more C. 
Yellowthroats in greeneries all the way south into Battery Park, as well as a 
single Rose-breasted Grosbeak. I tried also checking some areas of the rivers 
(lower Hudson & E. Rivers, both also properly called estuaries here) for any 
unusual species, but found none. As I came north again, thru various lower-east 
parks & patches, the rain - this time announced with much thunder & some 
crackling lightning - came & put an end to the fun by 1 pm or so. Later, I had 
a much briefer look again at a few areas in Central Park, partly watching for 
any possible-puddly surprise drop-ins. None of same were noted.  A park I made 
no stop in this day was Bryant; a deluge of rain put the end to that. Late in 
the day an attempt at nighthawks, but no luck - with the weather having just 
cleared out.

Wed. 9/19 - A fresh arrival, after the rains in NYC of Tues. rather quickly 
moved up into & offshore of New England the night before; a tremendous 
overnight migration took place all through the northeast, the Great Lakes 
region, midwest, mid-Atlantic, and into the south, straight onto & beyond the 
shores of the U.S. Gulf coast & east Texas-Mexico border…  & in little old 
Central Park, from first-light thru 9 a.m. at least 275 Yellow-shafted Flickers 
(counted by fives) were on the move - a vast majority seen going north thru & 
just over treetops, this observable from many points in the park along the 
western side & in some areas, with modest numbers at one moment. (It is fairly 
common to see a modest to occasionally-strong north-bound movement in fall 
migration on mornings when a migration has been quite strong, at least of some 
species, flickers being amongst those at the expected range of dates, from at 
least Central Park, if observing the treetops & sky closely, & keeping some 
notes.)    Also in Central Park, Yellow-breasted Chat was found by T. Perlman 
near the Blockhouse (woods west of) in the morning, & a nice selection of 
warblers, some vireos, thrushes, still more of Red-breasted Nuthatches & other 
newly-arrived birds (in various sections of the park thru the a.m.)  With 
additional cloud-cover developing, a chance of a good raptor & falcon flight as 
the day was ongoing - more reports at some point & as warranted.

Tom Fiore


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