New York County, which includes Manhattan, N.Y. City -since starting of summer-

Pied-billed Grebe, & Black Vulture (the vultures are semi-regular if looked 
for, esp. soaring over & near the Palisades cliffs across the Hudson river, 
over N.J. air-space, but observable from the near-Hudson shore or some vistas 
in n.-w. N.Y. City; this is generally more likely seen from points north of the 
G.Washington Bridge - & from Inwood Hill Park, Sunday, 6/23. A Wood Duck was 
also lingering at this park into at least Tues. 6/25.  Interesting very recent 
observations of potentially-nesting species at that park include Rose-breasted 
Grosbeak & in the vicinity as well as within that park proper, 2 warbler spp. - 
Yellow, & Common Yellowthroat. - Some of the potentially-nesting spp. recently 
seen & reported by A. Barry; & N. O’Reilly is also among the I.H.Park obs.; 
I’ve also been in that park, seeing some of the above in this week.) 

Black Skimmers continued to be seen, various points mainly off the shore of 
Manhattan, also possible in parks such as Central Park, & may be more likely 
seen at dawn or dusk hours. Recent sightings include two seen from the Lower 
East Side / East Village, Friday, 6/21 (var. obs., incl. the sighting from L. 
Beausoleil, obs.)

Ruby-throated Hummingbird (apparent female), Central Park by the shore of The 
Lake in recent days; N.B. this species has nested in Manhattan in recent years. 
(N. Baker, most recently, & at least a few other recent obs.)

A Red-breasted Nuthatch appeared in the West (Greenwich) Village, Sunday, 6/23. 
An somewhat uncommonly early-summer date, for this species on Manhattan. (T. 
Olson, obs.)

Purple Martin (male) - seen at Randall’s Island, Sat. 6/22. (L. Goggin, obs.)  
Also noted there on that day were some Atlantic Brant, which could be summering 
locally; both of these, & multiple other spp. seen fairly recently by others as 
well.  Another larger island within New York County (N.Y. City), and with 
public acess, Governors Island, has Common Terns, Killdeer, & a variety of 
additional nesting & some visiting species.

E. Towhee has nested in Central Park again, a great success & in a site that 
thousands pass daily in warmer weather, yet virtually no birders check. So far, 
it appears there may be 2 young… 

Ongoing sightings of White-throated Sparrows, now summering in various 
locations on Manhattan island, some of them in Central Park as is typical (of a 
relative few). 

Blackpoll Warbler (singing male), in Central Park near Bow Bridge, Friday, 
6/21. (M.B. Kooper, obs.)  Fewer warblers are typically found in Central Park 
as summer begins, yet there may be at any point in June & early July some, 
which could be either extremely “late” stragglers, unlikely to reach a breeding 
area, &/or simply individuals that are not going to breed in a given season, & 
linger until they choose to move on, perhaps southwards as more migrants 
reappear in the so-called “fall” migrations which are in fact starting almost 
right after each summer solstice occurs in the northern hemisphere. There are 
also a very few warbler spp. which may at least attempt to breed in Central 
Park, & the most-regularly encountered of these seems to be Common 

A variety of warblers may appear hereabouts in esp. early to mid July, and some 
may be in southbound-migration mode - these could include such warblers as 
Louisiana Waterthrush, as well as N. Waterthrush, Yellow Warbler (a regular 
nester in N.Y. City), Black-and-white, and some others. Also rarer warblers for 
the city parks such as Kentucky may make appearances in the city parks at 
almost any time in summer months, and be less-detected than in spring, as 
generally fewer observers are swarming the migration hotspots in early summer. 
Worm-eating Warbler (which still nests within just a few miles of N.Y. City), 
may also appear in July including occasionally rather early in that month. 

"Once upon a time, when women were birds, there was the simple understanding 
that to sing at dawn and to sing at dusk was to heal the world through joy. The 
birds still remember what we have forgotten, that the world is meant to be 
celebrated.” - Terry Tempest Williams (contemporary activist, and author of 
many books)

good summer's birding,

Tom Fiore


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