As a ‘late’ update, on early Friday a.m. (May 8th - 5-6:30 a.m.), there were 
also Bobolink & Greater Yellowlegs passing thru / over the n.w. sector of 
Central Park (in Manhattan, N.Y. City & County) - and the long-long-staying 
RED-HEADED Woodpecker was in it’s oft-usual tree, w. of the N. Meadow 
ballfields & east of the park’s West Drive, near about W. 98th Street. MANY 
freshly arrived birds, & almost certainly a few new species will be seen. A 
BLUE GROSBEAK (sub-breeding male) was at the extreme outer part of the n.e. 
‘corner’ of Maintenance Field, which is east of most of the Ramble of Central 
Park, a bit before visible sunrise there (perhaps not a newly-arrived 
individual, with all of that species that have been noted in Manhattan in the 
past week+).  Far more of many common migrants came in to Central Park, & will 
be likely all thru local greenspaces, such as Gray Catbird, & yet more 
White-throated Sparrows, to name just two very common migrants (and gray 
catbird a regular city-nester). While awaiting the Red-headed Woodpecker at its 
location (as above) I noted 16 warbler species, all expected, in the oaks 
immediately nearby & above. More spp. of songbirds were of course in both the 
Ramble area, the north woods, & some in street trees in a few places, early 
Fri. a.m. = a strong migration.

Further reports in due course.
Manhattan & N.Y. County Arrivals included: EASTERN WHIP-POOR-WILL (actual dates 
precede this report period), and -for this period- BLACK-BILLED CUCKOO, EASTERN 

One of the several (if not more) Whip-poor-wills (almost certainly, all being 
of -the expected- Eastern species!) that passed through Manhattan recently 
included at least one that wandered into a post-office here & was then rescued 
and brought up to the ‘WBF', for rehab. & recovery. It would be nice, if 
possible, if this bird, assuming a release can be done at some point, is 
released into an area north of the G.W. bridge, at a minimum, such as Inwood 
Hill Park, or even farther, out of the mid-Manhattan zone of higher risk (to 
migrant birds on passage). This is not a federally endangered species, but 
there has been a serious decline (coinciding with other declines) amongst other 
factors in preferred food items for this & some of the related ‘nightjars' of 
the Americas, and for that matter, of many throughout the world where their 
widespread and large full family occur. This species has nested within N.Y. 
City at least in the historical & recent past.

A RED-HEADED WOODPECKER was continuing in Central Park through at least May 7th 
(Thursday) - on which date, I observed the Red-headed at 7:30 a.m. in a 
‘typical’ tree for it, which is roughly near W. 98th Street & east of the 
park’s West Drive (roadway); I might also note it took 1/2-an-hour watch to 
actually have had the observation; the bird was fairly high & not especially 
active for the 5 minutes I then watched it.  In the meanwhile, in some of the 
surrounding oaks, 12 species of warblers were seen nicely which included 
Bay-breasted, Blackburnian, and multiple Magnolia, all of those bright males. 
This bird is coming thru now 28+ weeks of its stay in this one location - 
referring of course to the Red-headed. 

Tuesday, May 5 -

A [Red] Fox Sparrow was in Central Park on 5/5; a rather late date for this 
species at that location; ideally any May sightings at least in N.Y. City of 
these might be photo’d or video’d, in addition to notes made on any sightings, 
as has been done for the occurence noted here. (Also, the possibilty of other 
types of Fox Sparrow [non-“Red”] also should not be dismissed, & indeed there 
is a documented Sooty Fox Sparrow for Central Park in modern times, which was 
found well into later-spring.)

A singing male Cerulean Warbler was at Inwood Hill Park - 5/5, found by 
N.Souirgi & w/N.O’Reilly, ID'd by its song. A Summer Tanager was again found in 
Central Park, likely to have been same as one seen before there, although the 
Tues. sighting from very slightly west of prior sightings of a 
similarly-plumaged individual.

Another (of at least several this month) ‘Brewster’s'-type hybrid Warbler, in 
Central Park at Strawberry Fields (S.Chang), an indicator that these are going 
to be more & more likely sightings, for this region. 

Wed., May 6 - Weather pattern slowly shifting to a northerly and then easterly 
wind flow, but from Tues. night, a rather calm overnight allowed many more 
migrants to move through much of the region, with some showers possibly 
‘putting down’ some of those migrants in particular areas. Increases were noted 
for a modest number of migrants, examples including such warbler species as N. 
Parula, American Redstart, and Ovenbird (the first & last of which had already 
been fairly widespread in prior days). Also some increase of Nashville & 
Chestnut-sided Warblers, although the latter in particular will be seen in 
greater no’s. as May goes along.  Still moving well were Black-and-white 
Warblers, and there was again some early a.m. flight by Yellow-rumped Warblers.

A male Golden-winged Warbler showed nicely at Riverside Park, in the vicinity 
of W. 91-92nd St., just beyond the Soldiers & Sailors Monument in a grove of 
flowering crabapple trees at least later on. Thanks, Alan Drogin, for promptly 
reporting this to this list-serve, and later to eBird as well and to your wife 
for being another observer of birds, in a park not named “central”. This bird 
had multiple observers & photographers into a rainy afternoon. This was, to my 
knowledge, the 32nd species of American warbler found in New York County so far 
this year. (Incidentally. this individual was non-banded.)   And, I’d say, the 
most-photographed songbird in Riverside since the wintry days of Evening 
Grosbeak fame.

A Yellow-throated Warbler was in Central Park, seen around Turtle Pond & just 
east, & also photographed there; the earliest observer on the day was R.Zucker, 
with multiple others able to see this bird later on. This individual of the 
‘dominica’ form as found in more ID guides, rather than albillora form (i.e. 
this one with yellow in lores rather than continous-white of the other form 
found in the northeast of N. America.)   Marsh Wrens were again passing thru 
the area, with at least one at Inwood Hill Park, another in Central Park, & 2 
at Randall’s Island all on the day.  

A Grasshopper Sparrow was photographed in the rain of mid-afternoon at Battery 
Park, south end of Manhattan, by L.Beausoleil - the 2nd of the season 
well-documented for N.Y. County.  And in Central Park’s Ramble, E.Goodman 
photographed a late-lingering [Red] Fox Sparrow, an individual that has been 
hanging in in the area where seen on Wed., 5/6. These records are each found in 

Black-billed Cuckoo 1st-arrival, while Yellow-billed are still not very common 
yet; a Black-billed first-noted from the northern end of Riverside Park’s 
‘sanctuary’ near about W. 122nd St. inside the park, where the slope becomes 
exceedingly steep (where the goat-experiment had been tried, which in this 
observers opinion failed - since the area has returned to having all of the 
same invasive plants it had in the years pre-goatdom).  Canada Warbler was 
another new arrival, albeit in the typically-small no’s. that they are often 
seen in, until the big push arrives with the further arrival of many other 
later-moving species such as more of the Empidonax [genus], and others. At 
least (no pun intended) a few E. Wood-Pewees came in, not unexpectedly, & 
fairly quietly so far with one in the n. end of Central Park on 5/6 remaining 
rather silent as the cool morning started. It can be worthwhile seeking 
flycatchers, of any species, in the warmer hours of a day, a time when some 
other birds may be less-active.

Common & Red-throated Loons had a very good flight, with more than 40 of the 
former & at least a dozen of the latter seen as fly-overs for the day, from 
around N.Y. County. Also seen moving in very good numbes as fly-thru’s were 
Barn Swallow, into triple-digit no’s., & still moving north all afternoon. Part 
of that flight of loons was seen from a very open viewing area north of Grant’s 
Tomb, near Riverside Drive in Manhattan, which has more than 180-degrees views 
of horizon, such as can be had in Manhattan. The flight was strongest or seemed 
so before 10 a.m. but a few were also moving much later as well. Most if not 
all appeared to cross over Manhattan moving to the west or NW, & many were not 
exceedingly high in the first 3 hours of daylight.

Thursday, May 7 - Some overnight passing showers - a regular theme this 
mid-spring!  And a bit of a milder trend for the day, with light W. & then NW 
winds.  Birds were able to move over Wed. night into Thursday, but clearly some 
also stayed where they had been.

The Riverside Park male Golden-winged Warbler continued, as reported to this 
list-serve first both on 5/6 & on 5/7, down a steep slope from Riverside Drive 
around a grove of crabapple trees & the immediate vicinity, near about W. 91 
Street & a bit south & north of that.  A large gathering, perhaps the largest 
no. of birders in Riverside Park (& in one place there) in some years, as of 
Thursday to see this sadly-declining species (in our region in migration).  
Just a few of the large crowd also went far beyond to explore more of that 
long-linear park, with its varied patches of habitat for migrants & resident 
birds. One who did & regularly has, T.Perlman, found a 1st-spring Blue Grosbeak 
up in the northern sector of the sanctuary of Riverside, n. of W. 120 St. (in 
that area where a herd of goats had been set loose, last year - intentionally!) 
The Common Raven that A.Drogin had mentioned in his note to this list mostly on 
his find of a Golden-winged Warbler was also still around, & that’s an 
interesting species to keep eyes out for, & to see what those ravens in 
Manhattan may be up to.

By around 5 pm, & later in the day Thurs. (5/7) there were 25++ observers of 
the above warbler, which had moved up to nearer to (latitude of) W. 93rd St. & 
along a narrower pathway of Riverside Park, west of most of the crabapple 
grove… I was on the Drive, watching some of the watchers from 50 yards 
distance; early in the day, there were far fewer watching that bird. 

A very good mix of migrant species, esp. of warblers, continued in the various 
parks, albeit most not in any very great numbers, just a nice diversity. This 
included such species as Hooded, Cape May, Bay-breasted, Blackpoll, and 
Wilson’s along with ongoing Blackburnian, Chestnut-sided, Nashville, Magnolia, 
& the 2 regular “Black-throated” species, plus others, also continuing.  
Additional Solitary & Spotted Sandpipers showed, with a few of at least the 
former sp. in some puddles at some locations, quite early and likely flushed 
away later by the usual humans, dogs, & general activity of a 
much-busier-than-previously NYC set of parks…

Some species that are often gone by now were still being seen in N.Y. County to 
this date: Yellow-bellied Sapsucker (small no’s. but possibly still in 
double-digits for the county, mostly seen on Manhattan & in many locations, 
some being small greenspaces), E. Phoebe, Winter Wren (v. few), Pine Warbler, & 
still at least 1 or 2 [Red] Fox Sparrows, multiple obs. & some photos. As well 
as scant lingering duckage such as Bufflehead, Ruddy Duck, & (not that unusual 
yet, if at all) Wood Duck.   As mentioned at top, a long-lingering Red-headed 
Woodpecker was still in Central Park on Thursday, 5/7.

Be safe and sensible, keep some distance and follow advice of health & safety 
experts as we continue to look at birds, especially for those of us in big and 
busy urban areas or popular parks.

Good -and healthy- birding to all,

Tom Fiore


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