[nysbirds-l] Mohonk Lake/Ashokan Reservoir Preliminary CBC Results

2019-12-16 Thread Steve M. Chorvas
The 70th annual Ulster County Mohonk Lake/Ashokan Reservoir (NYML) 
Audubon Christmas Bird Count (CBC) was conducted this past Saturday, 14 
December 2019 under very challenging field conditions.  Pending count 
week additions and data verification, fifty-one (51) participants in 
fifteen (15)
field parties encountered a total of 10,711 individuals representing 75 
species, plus four (4) additional count week species.

Extremely dense fog with rain showers persisted throughout the count 
day, severely limiting visibility.  Combined with mild air temperatures 
(35 - 51 degrees F), exposed ground and generally open water, there was 
little incentive for birds to congregate.  Diversity was three species 
below our ten-year average of 78 species/year and twelve shy of our 
all-time record high 87 species recorded in 2017.  Total abundance was 
well below our ten-year average of 13,897 individuals and less than half 
our record high 22,307 in 2017.

Despite the visual impediments, there were numerous highlights and 
several positive record-setting observations.  Two Marsh Wrens were seen 
in the Harcourt Sanctuary in New Paltz, representing a new species to 
the count composite, advancing our historical cumulative to 148 species. 
Also noteworthy for this count circle, a Barn Owl was heard in Cottekill 
for only our second historical record, previously encountered on this 
CBC in 1953!  A field party surveying for sparrows in open farmland 
habitat inadvertently flushed a Short-eared Owl from a patch of tall 
cover crop, representing our second count record for this species 
previously recorded only during the count week period in 1985.  One 
Northern Saw-whet Owl was heard within this year's count week period.

Two species of shorebirds lingered in the count circle, a Killdeer seen 
in Stone Ridge (6th record), and a Wilson's Snipe flushed from pondside 
vegetation in High Falls (5th count record).  A total of 14 Red-headed 
Woodpeckers were found dispersed over multiple locations, a remarkable 
increase compared to our previous high count of 7 recorded just last 
year and our recent ten-year average of 1.9 individuals/year.  Northern 
Flickers were also encountered in remarkably high numbers, establishing 
a new high count of 77 compared to 47 in 2017 and a ten-year average of 

New record high counts were also established for Field Sparrow (13, 
eclipsing 12 in 2018), White-throated Sparrow (1,029 / 984 in 2017), and 
Song Sparrow (234 / 222 in 2017).  Four widely-dispersed Merlins tied 
our previous high count from 2016, and three Gray Catbirds tied a 
previous high count from 1967.  Four Ruby-crowned Kinglets, five Hermit 
Thrushes, four Yellow-rumped Warblers, two Fox Sparrows, and a single 
Eastern Towhee were detected on count day.  Red-winged Blackbirds (90), 
Common Grackles (82), and Brown-headed Cowbirds (10) were present in 
small numbers, and a tentative total of 120 Carolina Wrens was just one 
shy of our previous record-high count.

Irruptive winter finches were non-existent, and poor visibility likely 
influenced an unremarkable tally of waterfowl and the absence of both 
species of vultures and Wild Turkey on count day, with Black Vulture and 
Wild Turkey documented during the count week period.  Horned Larks (11) 
and Snow Buntings (16) were found at just one agricultural site, while 
Belted Kingfishers (5) and Great Blue Herons (5) were scattered 
throughout the count area.  No species detected on this year's survey 
were encountered in record-low numbers.

A complete summary report will be posted on the John Burroughs Natural 
History Society website at a later date.  Thanks to all of the field 
participants and feeder watchers for excellent coverage and another 
great effort under adverse conditions, and a special thanks again this 
year to Kyla Haber, Mark DeDea, and everyone that helped with preparing 
the food and facilities for our post-count compilation at Hasbrouck Park 
in Kingston.  Next year's Mohonk Lake/Ashokan Reservoir CBC is scheduled 
for the traditional first Saturday of the count period, December 19, 

Steve M. Chorvas

Mohonk Lake/Ashokan Reservoir CBC Compiler

Saugerties, NY


NYSbirds-L List Info:

1) http://www.mail-archive.com/nysbirds-l@cornell.edu/maillist.html
2) http://www.surfbirds.com/birdingmail/Group/NYSBirds-L
3) http://birding.aba.org/maillist/NY01

Please submit your observations to eBird:


[nysbirds-l] Mohonk Lake/Ashokan Reservoir Preliminary CBC Results

2018-12-16 Thread Steve M. Chorvas
The 69th annual Ulster County Mohonk Lake/Ashokan Reservoir (NYML) 
Audubon Christmas Bird Count (CBC) was conducted yesterday, 15 December 
2018, under very mild and pleasant weather conditions.  Pending count 
week additions and data verification, fifty-two (52) participants in 
fifteen (15) field parties encountered a total of 14,497 individuals 
representing 81 species, plus one additional count week species.

Diversity was four species above our current ten-year average of 77 
species/year, six species shy of our all-time record high count of 87 
species encountered last year.  Total abundance was slightly above the 
ten-year average of 14,056 individuals, but well-below our record high 
22,307 from 2017.  No new species were added to the count composite, 
maintaining our historical total at 147 species.

Unusual for this count circle, a Northern Pintail was found on Spring 
Lake, representing only our third count record for this species first 
recorded on this count in 2012.  One Northern Saw-whet Owl was found in 
a nontraditional location in Hurley, a lone Long-eared Owl was detected 
in a historical wintering location on private property, and a Northern 
Shrike was also observed on private property.  Three Peregrine Falcons 
represent a new high count and the fifth time this species has been 
recorded on this count, all within the last ten years.  A single Gray 
Catbird lingered in the count area, and a total of ten American Pipits 
were found in two distinct locations.  Two count week Cackling Geese 
were observed on Friday, one day before the count, associating with a 
large flock of Canada Geese in a farm field off Hurley Mountain Road.

Eleven additional species were encountered in record high numbers:

Bufflehead (8, eclipsing 4 in 2007)

Red-tailed Hawk (84 / 80 in 2010)

Rock Pigeon (856, well above the 598 recorded in 2016)

Barred Owl (9 / 7 in 2017)

Red-headed Woodpecker (7, more than double our previous high count of 3 
in 1984)

Red-bellied Woodpecker (153 / 141 in 2017)

Downy Woodpecker (169 / 165 in 2017)

Pileated Woodpecker (40 / 33 in 2017)

Blue Jay (539 / 520 in 2005)

Carolina Wren (121, an astonishing number in comparison to our previous 
high 68 in 2014)

Field Sparrow (12 / 11 in 1979)

Two Rusty Blackbirds, two Red-winged Blackbirds, a lone Yellow-rumped 
Warbler, four Belted Kingfishers, and six Great Blue Herons lingered in 
the count area.  Hermit Thrush (4), American Robin (231) and Cedar 
Waxwing (33) were present in relatively small numbers, but 194 Eastern 
Bluebirds was just one shy of our all-time record high.

The highly anticipated incursion of northern irruptive species was not 
reflected in the day's effort.  Pine Grosbeak, Common Redpoll, and Pine 
Siskin were entirely absent.  Two Red-breasted Nuthatch, two Purple 
Finches, and only three Evening Grosbeaks detected as single individuals 
in three distant locations, were also disappointing few in number.

A complete summary report will appear at a later date on the John 
Burroughs Natural History Society website.  Thanks to all of the 
participants for a another great effort, and once again this year a 
special thanks to Kyla Haber, Mark DeDea, and everyone that helped with 
preparing the food and facilities for our post-count compilation at 
Hasbrouck Park in Kingston.

Steve M. Chorvas

Mohonk Lake/Ashokan Reservoir CBC Compiler

Saugerties, NY

SAVE THE DATE - The 2019 Mohonk Lake-Ashokan Reservoir CBC is scheduled 
for Saturday, December 14, 2019.


NYSbirds-L List Info:

1) http://www.mail-archive.com/nysbirds-l@cornell.edu/maillist.html
2) http://www.surfbirds.com/birdingmail/Group/NYSBirds-L
3) http://birding.aba.org/maillist/NY01

Please submit your observations to eBird:
