The 2019 Montauk Christmas Bird Count will be held on Saturday, December
21. Teams of birders will roam the six territories in the count circle from
dawn (or before) to dusk, tallying as many individuals of as many species
as possible.  We are writing to invite you to join us on that day and to be
part of one of the oldest ongoing CBCs.

*Count Compilation: *

We are pleased to announce that thanks to the continued generosity of the
South Fork Natural History Museum, under the stewardship of Frank Quevedo,
the compilation dinner will be free of charge and conveniently located in
Bridgehampton for those heading west after birding.  In addition, we will
be streamlining the compilation process to allow more time for travel after
the compilation.

*If you are a returning participant, please report to your usual Territory
Leader for information on your count day itinerary, but please CC the
Compilers on your email to the Territory Leader so we can allocate
participants appropriately.*

If you are new to the count, please email the Compilers for a territory
assignment, indicating your first and second choice of territory.
Additionally, let us know of any relevant considerations for your
assignment (limited walking, a wish to bird with other named individuals,
time constraints, a morbid fear of counting scoters, a morbid fear of other
birders, etc.). We’d also appreciate it if you can provide a mobile phone
number in case we, or a territory leader, need to get in touch with news of
a rarity, weather issues, and so on.

 In addition, please let us know:

* If you know additional birders who you think would be appropriate to
invite to the count.  Feel free to instruct such individuals to contact the
Compilers for more information.

* If you know someone who would be interested in doing a “feeder watch”
within the count circle.

* If you know of an active feeder or other active “hot spot” that you
believe should be checked on count day.

* If you plan on searching for owls, woodcock and other crepuscular species.

We look forward to hearing from you soon and have our fingers crossed for
great weather and many fabulous birds on December 21st.

Angus Wilson

Brent Bomkamp


NYSbirds-L List Info:


Please submit your observations to eBird:


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