After 10 days of birding withdrawal because of the cold, I ventured out to 
Orchard Beach and vicinity on this balmy day.

The parking lot was closed, as NYC Sanitation is sending truckloads of snow 
into the parking lot. They are building a mountain. 

Police are tolerating parking in the oval leading up to the promenade. A few 
cars were already there in the NE corner when I arrived. The leak that is 
feeding fresh water into the grassy area is not frozen in a small area, 
attracting gulls, starlings and most likely, other species. I’m guessing that 
something good will appear if one waits long enough.

The Orchard Beach lagoon is frozen as is the water between Hunter and Twin 
Islands. Turtle Cove is also frozen.

The promenade is clear for walking and the water is not frozen at the beach. I 
scoped from the rocks on the North end of the beach. I also walked to Twin 
Island. The entrance to Hunter Island from the beach promenade is snow bound, 
as is the trail.  I started out but turned back, it was difficult footing.

There were very few passerines but the place is pretty with the snow.

Greater Scaup-   probably 1000, distributed around the beach Twin Island
Red-breasted Merganser
American Black Duck
Common Goldeneye (They were in fairly close)
Horned Grebe
Red-necked Grebe
Northern Harrier
Red-tailed hawk
Canada Goose
Herring and Ring -billed Gulls

Jack Rothman


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