>The summer birding doldrums came to a spectacular end today with the finding 
>of two large and showy rarities. A Cattle Egret was found by Candy Giles at 
>LaSalle's Landing Park feeding on the lawn. This was not entirely a surprise 
>as there had been a report of one a week or two ago seen on the roof of a 
>car(!) in the airport parking lot. Not exactly a chaseable bird, although at 
>today's sighting there were stories of people who had tried. Then Mike Tetlow, 
>who had spent this SW-windy afternoon at the Braddock Bay hawkwatch counting 
>Bald Eagles, young Broadwings and young Redtails,spied a black-and-white 
>shorebird on the breakwall and drove to the East Spit to check it out. Sure 
>enough, it was an American Avocet. Score another good bird for the new 
>breakwall across the mouth of Braddock Bay.
>The Cattle Egret was still being seen through early evening. The Avocet was 
>not visible but had not flown, having tucked itself in behind a barrier. It 
>had been flushed once by a young eagle but had returned so might still be 
>present tomorrow morning.
>ebird hotspot names are LaSalle's Landing Park and Braddock Bay--East Spit.
>Pat Martin


NYSbirds-L List Info:

1) http://www.mail-archive.com/nysbirds-l@cornell.edu/maillist.html
2) http://www.surfbirds.com/birdingmail/Group/NYSBirds-L
3) http://birding.aba.org/maillist/NY01

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