Author: chetanm
Date: Mon Mar 20 07:31:50 2017
New Revision: 1787690

OAK-5946 - Document indexing flow


--- jackrabbit/oak/trunk/oak-doc/src/site/markdown/architecture/ 
+++ jackrabbit/oak/trunk/oak-doc/src/site/markdown/architecture/ 
Mon Mar 20 07:31:50 2017
@@ -269,7 +269,7 @@ until all the hooks have had a chance to
 final node state is then persisted as a new revision and made available to
 other Oak clients.
-## Commit editors
+## <a name="commit-editors"/> Commit editors
 In practice most commit hooks are interested in the content diff as returned
 by the `compareAgainstBaseState` call mentioned above. This call can be

Added: jackrabbit/oak/trunk/oak-doc/src/site/markdown/query/
--- jackrabbit/oak/trunk/oak-doc/src/site/markdown/query/ (added)
+++ jackrabbit/oak/trunk/oak-doc/src/site/markdown/query/ Mon Mar 20 
07:31:50 2017
@@ -0,0 +1,156 @@
+   Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
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+   this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+   The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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+   WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+   limitations under the License.
+  -->
+# Indexing
+## <a name="overview"></a> Overview
+For queries to perform well Oak supports indexing content stored in 
repository. Indexing works
+on diff between the base NodeState and modified NodeState. Depending on how 
diff is performed and
+when the index content gets updated there are 3 types of indexing modes
+1. Synchronous Indexing
+2. Asynchronous Indexing
+3. Near real time indexing
+Indexing makes use of [Commit 
Editors](../architecture/nodestate.html#commit-editors). Some of the editors
+are `IndexEditor` which are responsible for updating index content based on 
changes in main content. Currently
+Oak has following in built `IndexEditor`s
+1. PropertyIndexEditor
+2. ReferenceEditor
+3. LuceneIndexEditor
+4. SolrIndexEditor
+## <a name="indexing-flow"></a> Indexing Flow
+`IndexEditor` are invoked as part of commit or as part of asynchronous diff 
process. For both cases at some stage
+diff is performed between _before_ and _after_ state and passed to 
`IndexUpdate` which is responsible for invoking
+`IndexEditor` based on _discovered_ index definitions.
+### <a name="index-defnitions"></a> Index Definitions
+Index definitions are nodes of type `oak:QueryIndexDefinition` which are 
stored under a special node named `oak:index`.
+As part of diff traversal at each level `IndexUpdate` would look for 
`oak:index` nodes. The index definitions nodes have 
+following properties
+1. `type` - It determines the _type_ of index. For e.g. it can be `property`, 
`lucene`, `solr` etc. Based on the `type`
+   `IndexUpdate` would look for `IndexEditor` of given type from registered 
+2. `async` - It determines if the index is to be updated synchronously or 
asynchronously. It can have following values
+    * `sync` - Also the default value. It indicates that index is meant to be 
updated as part of commit
+    * `nrt`  - Indicates that index is a [near real time](#nrt-indexing) 
+    * `async` - Indicates that index is to be updated asynchronously. In such 
a case this value is used to determine
+       the [indexing lane](#indexing-lane)
+    * Any other value which ends in `async`. 
+Based on above 2 properties `IndexUpdate` creates `IndexEditor` instances as 
it traverses the diff and registers them
+with itself passing on the callbacks for various changes
+#### <a name="oak-index-nodes"></a>oak:index node 
+Indexing logic supports placing `oak:index` nodes at any path. Depending on 
the location such indexes would only index
+content which are present under those paths. So for e.g. if 'oak:index' is 
present at _'/content/oak:index'_ then indexes
+defined under that node would only index repository state present under 
+Depending on type of index one can create these index definitions under root 
path ('/') or non root paths. Currently 
+only `lucene` indexes support creating index definitions at non root paths. 
`property` indexes can only be created 
+under root path i.e. under '/'
+### <a name="sync-indexing"></a> Synchronous Indexing
+Under synchronous indexing the index content gets updates as part of commit 
itself. Changes to both index content
+and main content are done atomically in single commit. 
+This mode is currently supported by `property` and `reference` indexes
+### <a name="async-indexing"></a> Asynchronous Indexing
+Asynchronous Indexing (also referred as async indexing) is performed using 
periodic scheduled jobs. As part of setup
+Oak would schedule certain periodic jobs which would perform diff of the 
repository content and update the index content
+based on that diff. 
+Each periodic job i.e. `AsyncIndexUpdate` is assigned to an [indexing 
lane](#indexing-lane) and is scheduled to run at 
+certain interval. At time of execution the job would perform work
+1. Look for last indexed state via stored checkpoint data. If such a 
checkpoint exist then resolve the `NodeState` for 
+   that checkpoint. If no such state exist or no such checkpoint is present 
then it treats it as initial indexing case where 
+   base state is set to empty. This state is considered as `before` state
+2. Create a checkpoint for _current_ state and refer to this as `after` state
+3. Create an `IndexUpdate` instance bound to current _indexing lane_ and 
trigger a diff between the `before` and
+   `after` state
+4. `IndexUpdate` would then pick up index definitions which are bound to 
current indexing lane and would create 
+   `IndexEditor` instances for them and pass them the diff callbacks
+5. The diff traverses in a depth first manner and at the end of diff the 
`IndexEditor` would do final changes for 
+   current indexing run. Depending on index implementation the index data can 
be either stored in NodeStore itself 
+   (e.g. lucene) or in any remote store (e.g. solr)
+6. `AsyncIndexUpdate` would then update the last indexed checkpoint to current 
checkpoint and do a commit. 
+#### <a name="checkpoint"></a> Checkpoint
+Checkpoint is a mechanism whereby a client of NodeStore can request it to 
ensure that repository state at that time
+can be preserved and not garbage collected by revision garbage collection 
process. Later that state can be retrieved
+back from NodeStore by passing the checkpoint back. You can treat checkpoint 
like a named revision or a tag in git 
+Async indexing makes use of checkpoint support to access older repository 
+#### <a name="indexing-lane"></a> Indexing Lane
+Indexing lane refers to a set of indexes which are to be indexed by given 
async indexer. Each index definition meant for
+async indexing defines an `async` property whose value is the name of indexing 
lane. For e.g. consider following 2 index
+    /oak:index/userIndex
+      - jcr:primaryType = "oak:QueryIndexDefinition"
+      - async = "async"
+    /oak:index/assetIndex
+      - jcr:primaryType = "oak:QueryIndexDefinition"
+      - async = "fulltext-async"
+Here _userIndex_ is bound to "async" indexing lane while _assetIndex_ is bound 
to  "fulltext-async" lane. Oak 
+[setup](#async-index-setup) would configure 2 `AsyncIndexUpdate` jobs one for 
"async" and one for "fulltext-async".
+When job for "async" would run it would only process index definition where 
`async` value is `async` while when job
+for "fulltext-async" would run it would pick up index definitions where 
`async` value is `fulltext-async`.
+These jobs can be scheduled to run at different intervals and also on 
different cluster nodes. Each job would keep its
+own bookkeeping of checkpoint state and can be [paused and 
resumed](#async-index-mbean) separately.
+Prior to Oak 1.4 there was only one indexing lane `async`. In Oak 1.4 support 
was added to create 2 lanes `async` and 
+`fulltext-async`. With 1.6 its possible to [create multiple 
+#### <a name="async-index-lag"></a> Indexing Lag
+#### <a name="async-index-setup"></a> Setup
+`Since 1.6`
+#### <a name="cluster"></a> Clustered Setup
+#### <a name="async-index-mbean"></a> Clustered Setup
+## <a name="nrt-indexing"></a> Near Real Time Indexing
+## Index Types
+### Property Indexes
+### Lucene Indexes
\ No newline at end of file

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